Audyssey MultEQ Editor app app analytics for February 14

Audyssey MultEQ Editor app

Audyssey MultEQ Editor app

  • D+M Group
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Music & Audio
The latest Denon Marantz audio video products use Audyssey MultEQ for simple, accurate set-up calibration of your system to the room in which it’s used. But, now you can go further with the Audyssey MultEQ Editor app, going ‘under the hood’ to view and adjust settings for detailed tuning – allowing you to customize the sound more precisely to the specific problems in your room, and tailor the sound to your personal preferences. With this comprehensive app, you can harness the power of Audyssey MultEQ to take total control of the way your home cinema sounds. This app will allow you to: •View the speaker detection results, to check correct installation •View before and after results of the Audyssey calibration, making it easy to identify room problems. •Edit the Audyssey target curve for each channel pair to suit your tastes •Adjust the overall EQ frequency rolloff for each channel pair •Switch between 2 high frequency rolloff target curves •Enable/Disable midrange compensation to make the sound brighter or smoother •Save and load calibration results This app requires specific hardware in your product to function: please double-check that your Denon or Marantz model is supported - see list below - before purchasing. •Multi-Language Support (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Russian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese. The OS language setting is automatically detected; when not available, English is selected.) Compatible models: (Product availability varies depending on regions.) Denon AV Receiver: AVR-X6300H, AVR-X4300H, AVR-X3300W, AVR-X2300W, AVR-X1300W, AVR-S920W, AVR-S720W, AVR-S930H, AVR-S730H, AVR-X1400H, AVR-X2400H, AVR-X3400H, AVR-X4400H, AVR-X6400H, AVR-X8500H, AVR-S740H, AVR-S940H, AVR-X1500H, AVR-X2500H, AVR-X3500H, AVR-X4500H, AVR-X6500H, AVR-X1600H, AVR-X2600H, AVR-X3600H, AVR-S750H, AVR-S950H, AVR-A110, AVR-X6700H, AVR-X4700H, AVR-X3700H, AVR-X2700H, AVR-S960H, AVR-X8500HA, AVR-X1700H, AVR-S760H, AVR-A1H, AVR-X4800H, AVR-X3800H, AVR-X2800H, AVR-S970H, AVR-X1800H, AVR-S770H, AVR-X6800H, AVR-A10H Marantz AV Receiver: AV7703, SR7011, SR6011, SR5011, NR1607, NR1608, SR5012, SR6012, SR7012, SR8012, AV7704, AV8805, NR1609, SR5013, SR6013, SR7013, AV7705, NR1710, SR5014, S6014, SR8015, SR7015, SR6015, SR5015, NR1711, AV7706, AV8805A, AV 10, CINEMA 30, CINEMA 40, CINEMA 50, CINEMA 60, CINEMA 70s Not compatible with Denon and Marantz models other than those listed above. Compatible Android devices: •Android Smartphones with Android OS ver.5.0 (or higher) •Screen resolution: 800x480, 854x480, 960x540, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 2048x1536 * This application does not support smartphones in QVGA (320x240) and HVGA (480x320) resolution. * This application does not support smartphones of less than 2GB RAM capacity. Confirmed Android devices: Samsung Galaxy S10 (OS 12), Google (ASUS) Nexus 7 (2013) (OS 6.0.1), Google (LG) Nexus 5X (OS 8.1.0), Google Pixel 2 (OS 9), Google Pixel 3 (OS 12), Google Pixel 6 (OS 13) Caution: We do not guarantee that this application works with all Android devices.
Audyssey MultEQ Editor app

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United States#682
Music & Audio in
United States#66

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