CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace app analytics for February 14

CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace

CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace

  • CookUnity Inc.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Food & Drink
• About this app Experience award-winning chefs at your table, every day. Ever-evolving menus, weekly deliveries, endless discovery. • It’s Chef-to-table. Your table. The best chefs in your city—and in culinary cities across the country—are taking care of dinner. • Unmatched variety Weekly-evolving menus for your ever-evolving palate. Whatever your mood, diet, or craving—our chefs are making it. • Effortless Your meals for the week—prepped and ready to go. Dinner on your table and on your fork in under 10 minutes.
CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace

CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#5,076
Food & Drink in
United States#142

Daily active users

Analyze usage patterns of CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace users by viewing CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace downloads and daily active users over time.


Analyze usage patterns of CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace users by viewing CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace downloads and daily active users over time.

Unlock daily active users

CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace

Usage Rank
Store Rank


CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace Ranking by Country

Counties in which CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace users

Top categories
Top apps within the category
More apps
Chase Mobile
Yahoo Finance: Stock News
Webull: Investing & Trading
Robinhood: Investing for All
Google Calendar
Microsoft Outlook
one sec | app blocker, focus
Ascent: screen time & offtime
Notion: Notes, Tasks, AI
Dals Connect
Practical tool Magnifyingglass
VPN Proton: Fast & Secure VPN
Amazon Shopping
Banana Republic: Shop Apparel
REI Co-op – Shop Outdoor Gear
thredUP: Online Thrift Store

Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

Apps with a high probability of being used by the same users, from the same store.

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CookUnity - A Chef Marketplace VS.

February 14, 2025