Diseases & Disorders app analytics for February 15

Diseases & Disorders

Diseases & Disorders

  • Anna Voronich
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Medical
Welcome to Diseases & Disorders, your comprehensive patient aid and nursing guru. This medical app is free and provides a medical dictionary free offline. It offers detailed information on diseases and treatment drugs, making it an essential medical symptoms and diagnosis app. Our complete anatomy feature allows you to understand the human body better. This makes our app one of the best medical apps for nurses as well as doctors. We provide treatment for all diseases, bridging the gap between disease and medicine. The Diseases & Disorders app is also ideal for doctors who need quick access to standard treatment guidelines 2020 or 2021 while on the go. Our symptoms tracker helps monitor health conditions over time. We offer a comprehensive diseases and treatment dictionary that includes medicine diseases and treatments. You can access this information even when offline, making it a reliable health handbook filled with valuable medical information. Our medical reference offline feature ensures you have access to disease facts anytime, anywhere. The medicine dictionary in our app covers all disease treatments from common health conditions like tiredness or dizziness to complex disorders. The Diseases & Disorders app serves as your healthcare guide providing clinical tools for diagnosis. Our symptom checker helps identify potential issues based on your symptoms such as vomit, bellyache or loss of appetite. We are more than just a disease finder; we are a complete dictionary medical offline resource offering detailed explanations about disorders and diseases using easy-to-understand language. Our unique features include a medical reference x-ray tool that aids in diagnosing various conditions. The treatment digital health app feature provides personalized care plans based on individual needs. With our illness reference feature, you can learn about various health resources available for different ailments using our extensive disease database. Whether you're trying to diagnose pregnancy symptoms or looking up medicina (medicine), we've got you covered! Our user-friendly interface makes navigating through our vast database effortless whether you're searching for specific diseases symptoms and cure or browsing through general health information. The Diseases & Disorders app is your go-to source for healthcare knowledge. Download now and empower yourself with comprehensive medical information at your fingertips! Disclaimer: This app does not provide medical advice or replace professional medical consultation. It is for informational purposes only. Please consult a healthcare professional for accurate medical advice.
Diseases & Disorders

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The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 15, 2025