Roxxem app analytics for February 14



  • Peaksay
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Learn language to your own beat! Use the awesome power of music to master new languages like Spanish, French, and Chinese. Supercharge your listening skills in as little as five minutes a day. Learn words and phrases in context through hit song lyrics. Play fun games. Beat multiple study modes. Review what you studied with spaced repetition. Level up into a language rock star with Roxxem. AUTHENTIC MUSIC, AUTHENTIC CULTURE: -Search hundreds of the world's most popular music videos in Spanish, French, or Chinese. -Real music. Real language in context. -Actually understand native speakers. DESIGNED FOR LANGUAGE LEARNING: -Bite-size, step-by-step lessons that teach you each song line by line. -Learn meaningful words, phrases, and lyrics in context. -Study multiple question types including definition, audio, fill in the blank, put in order, and more. -Access hand-curated annotations for select words, lyrics, and songs. -Review your study cards every day using spaced repetition. PERSONALIZED FOR YOU: -Track your learning progress over time. -Get personalized song and word recommendations based on your skill level. -Skip lyrics and words you don't want to learn (or activate them again). -Rewind or adjust song speed at any time. HAVE FUN LISTENING TO A NEW LANGUAGE: -Play interactive study games to practice what you learned. -Focus on different skills like speaking, listening, or reading with a variety of game modes. -Level up your character with each card you study and each game you play. -Adjust game difficulty level and customize other study options. -Challenge yourself to get a new high score :) AFFORDABLE PRICE, AMAZING VALUE: -Start for free, then supercharge your learning with Roxxem Pro. -On the basic free plan, try out a selection of starter songs. -With Roxxem Pro, get unlimited access to all songs, lessons, games, and statistics. -2 Week Free Trial for all new users. Take your listening skills to the next level.

Roxxem Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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uCertify LEARN+

uCertify LEARN+


Roxxem VS.

February 14, 2025