Thank you for registering for: Introducing Similarweb 3.0: Taking Your SEO and PPC to New Levels.

Keep your eye out for an email with info on how to join the webinar. If you don’t see it within a day, try checking your spam folder.

Your invite will contain your unique joining link.

We’ll see you at on September 28, 2023 at 11am EST / 4pm BST! 🗓️ 


About the webinar

The search landscape is harder, more competitive, and more complicated than ever.

These days, we’re constantly trying to keep on top of:

😴 Endless Google algorithm updates
🔎 SERP features (inc. their optimizations) changing
🤳 Gen Z, new search habits, and well… TikTok

And to keep on top of these things (and stay ahead of your competitors as a result), you need accurate and actionable data to act fast.

Enter: Similarweb 3.0

On that note… *ahem*: Introducing Similarweb 3.0 – with data fresher than the fruit bowl in your office. Because, when your data ain’t fresh, neither is your strategy.

Join our webinar on September 28th at 11am EST / 4pm BST where we’ll talk through:

  • How fresh our real-user data really is (and why the data you’re currently using is costing you traffic)
  • Ways to refresh your competitor research strategy so you can stay ahead at all times
  • What you can do to close marketing’s biggest gap: SEO and PPC
  • Our newest features, including our Daily Rank Tracker and Brand Protection tools
  • How you’re about to nail your growth and engagement goals with Similarweb 3.0

On top of that, [person] at [brand] joins us to reveal how they drove X% more traffic growth using Similarweb.

Sign up to stay relevant, speak the (exact) same language as your target audience, and make quick, data-driven decisions to guarantee you’re down with the kids. See you there. 👋

Oh, and if you’re interested but can’t make it, sign up anyway to get your hands on a recording.


Baruch Toledano
Baruch Toledano
VP, GM Digital Marketing Solutions Similarweb

Baruch Toledano is the VP of Digital Marketing Solutions at Similarweb, providing competitive and strategic intelligence products to marketing teams and businesses of all sizes. Baruch is an operational leader in digital marketing and ecommerce, with a wealth of experience in product development, business management, and B2B partnerships.

Gabrielle Elfassy
Gabrielle Elfassy
Product Manager Similarweb

Gabrielle Elfassy is the Product Manager for Search Tracking at Similarweb, responsible for the development of the new Rank Tracker and Brand Protection tools. With profound understanding and hands-on experience in business strategy, Gabrielle has a unique background that spans many industries, working with businesses of all sizes to create and develop innovative products that surpass customer expectations.

Kev Strong
Kev Strong
Head of SEO Vertu Motors Group

Kev Strong is the Head of SEO for Vertu Motors Group, looking after all the websites under this (large) umbrella. With over 20 years’ experience in digital marketing, including agency-side work for big names like Ralph Lauren, Cath Kidston, and GSK, he has used his breadth of knowledge to teach SEO modules as an Assistant Lecturer at Northumbria University, York St John University, and Digital Knowledge Labs.

Jen Kelly
Jen Kelly
Head of Campaign Management Search Laboratory

Jen Kelly is the Head of Campaign Management at Search Laboratory. She has over 10 years experience working in digital marketing, starting in search and then moving into a more holistic leadership role. She has extensive and diverse experience across all sectors, more recently focusing on integrated accounts where she leads the digital strategy and campaign implementation for industry-leading clients.