20 Upcoming IPOs Covered: Your Alternative Data Deep Dive

Over 1,635 companies went public globally via IPO in 2021 and tech companies alone raised close to $116 billion.

With so many fresh names joining the stock market, and limited public data available, investing confidently requires access to alternative datasets. That’s why the data experts at Similarweb teamed up with Synaptic to create an in-depth alternative data report analyzing 20 of the most prominent companies on track to debut on the stock market in the next few months. Download for free and dig into the data.

Here’s what to expect:

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Bring all your alternative data in one place
Synaptic is a data and insights platform that connects the dots across a wide spectrum of alternative datasets, bringing 100s of performance metrics on companies in one place. Using our rich analytics and AI-driven algorithms, investors can leverage data to identify high-growth companies, spot growth trends, and gather market intelligence.

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Official Measure of the Digital World
Similarweb (NYSE: SMWB) provides full visibility and real-time insights into the digital performance of any private or public company with an online presence. Similarweb’s web and app traffic data can be delivered via a robust UI, API or AWS S3, accompanied by account management and technical support.