Harry and David

February 2025

Harry and David Market Share Analysis for February 2025

Harry and David, LLC is an American-based premium food and gift producer and retailer. The company sells its products through direct mail, online, corporate gifting, and in their flagship location in Medford, Oregon, and operates the brands Harry & David, Wolferman's, and Vital Choice.
Year Founded1934
Employees5001 - 10000
Annual Revenue$500M - $1B
Harry and David
Harry and David (including company regionals)
  • harryanddavid.com
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Harry and David Revenue up to February 2025 is 500M - 1B

revenue generated by Harry and David top domains

Harry and David top domains revenue over 3 years

Revenue for Harry and David top domains

harryanddavid.comharryanddavid.com500M - 1B
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Total visits to Harry and David's top domains

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Total visits last 3 months

Subsidiaries Breakdown

Avg. visit duration in Harry and David's top domains

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Average visit duration last 3 months

Subsidiaries Breakdown
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Avg. pageviews on Harry and David's top domains

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Average page views last 3 months

Subsidiaries Breakdown

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Harry and David top competitors by domain

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Top technologies used by Harry and David

These are the website technologies, by industry, used by Harry and David top domains

Conversion & Analytics (30)

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Advertising (21)



Payment & Currencies (12)

Cart Functionality

Cart Functionality

Social (12)

Google+ Platform

Google+ Platform

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News & Signals from Harry and David

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NewsHarry and David, LLC opens new location in Huntington, New York, United States.Harry & David opens retail store in Huntington, NY.
NewsHarry and David, LLC launches Royal Riviera Pear Cider.Harry & David introduces Royal Riviera™ Pear Cider.
NewsHarry and David, LLC launched Vegan Charcuterie Collection on Oct 4th '22.Last year, gift box business Harry & David launched its first Vegan Charcuterie Collection featuring plant-based cured meats from California company Renegade Foods.

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