
More Countries Added to App Engagement on Similarweb Platform!

More Countries Added to App Engagement on Similarweb Platform!

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Since launching App Engagement on Similarweb platform in January, we’ve been getting amazing feedback from our users, who say that this section has now become an essential part of their competitive and market app analysis process.

With features such as ‘Current Installs’, ‘Active Users’, and ‘Retention’, it’s now easier than ever to understand the true value of any mobile app, and to approach new markets and industries with the information required to succeed.

Up until now, all App Engagement features were available for 3 markets – US, UK and India. We’re super excited to announce the release of 15 additional countries!

App Engagement users will now be able to contact their account manager and ask for access to any of these 18 countries:

  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Brazil
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • India
  • Netherlands
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

The additional countries are crucial for truly understanding a market or an app, since metrics such as Active Users or Session Time, vary between countries. For instance, Pinterest performs very differently in different markets, based on App Engagement data:


These stats show that among Android users, the country with the most current installs for Pinterest’s App is the US, and the one with the least is Brazil. We can also see that the percentage of users that use the app post-installation is the lowest in the UK. This might indicate that Pinterest’s acquisition strategy leads to many installs in this market, but the install sources are of a lower quality compared to installs in the US market. The usage time and sessions per user are very similar in all countries, possibly indicating that Pinterest are doing a good job when it comes to UX, especially with localizing their content.

You can read about App Engagement and other App Analysis features here.

by Natalie Halimi

Natalie Halimi has over 10 years of marketing experience across B2C and B2B sectors.

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