
Everyone is talking about Similarweb, Check it OUT!

Everyone is talking about Similarweb, Check it OUT!

Free Website Traffic Checker

Discover your competitors' strengths and leverage them to achieve your own success

The past three weeks, following the launch of Similarweb, have been hectic. We can’t stop this flow so we decided to go with it! The word is out – from journalists to private users, everyone is talking about our new competitive intelligence tool. More than 60 news articles have been written about us (and counting!), including features in TechCrunch and the TheNextWeb. This also created a huge buzz across social networks and forums.


The response on Twitter was overwhelming – we read each one of the 5000 tweets showing appreciation for our new product. From China to South America, compliments from marketing professionals have flooded our inboxes so this blog is just a small way to say THANK YOU.



We are thrilled to see Similarweb quickly becoming every online marketer’s favorite weapon to discover traffic insights on competitor websites.

If you haven’t tried it yet… what are you waiting for? Start exploring now to discover more about your competitors website audience, you will be blown away!


Check out the RECENT REVIEWS….

“Similarweb looks to topple Alexa with a fresh take on website ranking.” – TheNextWeb

“Similarweb takes on Alexa’s (often terrible) Web Ranking with Similarweb” – TechCrunch

“Similarweb has announced its intention to supplant Amazon-owned Alexa as the go-to for web traffic data.” – WSJ

“Similarweb: Prettier, Faster, Fuzzier and Warmer than Alexa.” – EverythingPR

“Analiza la audiencia de cualquier sitio web con Similarweb” – WWWhatsnew

“Similarweb ofrece informacion estadistica util sobre un sitio web” –


“Similarweb, une alternative a Alexa?” – Presse Citron

“Similarweb, analytica web para comparar con la competencia” – MuyPymes

“Similarweb change de peau et challenge Alexa” – Roget.biz

“Similarweb: une alternative tres complete a Alexa” – Fred Zone

“Similarweb desafia a Alexa” – Churba y Portillo

“Similarweb, una gran alternativa a Alexa mucho mas atractiva y completa” – Soft & Apps


by Or Offer


Or has led Similarweb since its founding in 2007, growing it from a small startup to a global company with over 1,000 employees.

This post is subject to Similarweb legal notices and disclaimers.

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