
Similarweb Named to JMP Securities Hot 100 List of Best Privately Held Software Companies

Similarweb Named to JMP Securities Hot 100 List of Best Privately Held Software Companies

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Leader in Digital Market Intelligence Continues to Gain Momentum and Recognition in Early 2017

Similarweb, the leading digital intelligence company, today announced that it has been named one of the “Hot 100” best privately held software companies by JMP Securities, a full-service investment bank. The “Hot 100” list is selected each year based on an evaluation of multiple criteria, including financial growth, products and services, quality of leadership, customers and market potential.

“2017 is already shaping up to be another marquee year for Similarweb and this recognition is a nice validation of our dedication to our customers and the success we’re seeing within the market,” said Carla Bourque, Chief Commercial Officer at Similarweb. “At Similarweb, we continue to push the envelope as we increase our market share, introduce disruptive new technology solutions for brands and agencies, and grow our footprint globally. We have no expectations of slowing down anytime soon and we’re honored to be acknowledged by JMP Securities.”

Similarweb is the standard for understanding the digital world. The company analyzes hundreds of millions of devices to empower its thousands of clients with the insights they need to gain a competitive edge and win their market. Global brands like eBay, L’Oréal, Microsoft, Airbnb and more rely on Similarweb’s technology to help them understand, track and grow their digital market share.

For more information about Similarweb and how the company is helping brands and agencies gain a significant competitive advantage, please visit www.similarweb.com.

For a deep dive across all our categories, download the 2016 US Similarweb Highlights Report.

To learn more about Similarweb, and to try out a live demo, contact us here.

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