Marketing Marketing Intelligence

Data-Driven Blog Topic Ideas to Reach Your Audience

Data-Driven Blog Topic Ideas to Reach Your Audience

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Ever experienced writer’s block?

Me too.

Arguably the worst type of writer’s block is when you can’t decide what to write about in the first place.

When writing a blog, there are so many factors to consider that it can easily become overwhelming. “What should I blog about?” seems like such a straightforward question, but there are many underlying questions like:

  • Which topics will drive website traffic?
  • What is your audience interested in?
  • What is your audience’s intent when they’re searching for the keyword(s) I’m targeting?
  • What are popular blog topics for your audience?
  • How can I offer value to my audience?

Thankfully, Similarweb’s Digital Marketing Intelligence simplifies this by providing you an endless supply of relevant, valuable blog topic ideas. Here are three ways to find great blog ideas using Similarweb:

1. Blog topic ideas that answer popular questions

One of the easiest ways to ensure you’re providing valuable content is to answer questions real people are typing into Google. And, if you can answer them better than what’s out there, Google will reward you with more visibility.

So let’s find some top questions people are asking Google, shall we?

For this, you’re going to use our “Keywords by Industry” tool, which provides the top search terms in any industry:

  • Navigate to the “Keyword Research Module”
  • Expand “Find Keywords” and click “Keywords by Industry”
  • Choose an industry from the drop-down (or create your own custom industry)
  • Select the “Questions Queries” filter

Screenshot - keywords by industry - Similarweb

Here I’ve selected the investing industry and can see a number of frequently asked questions that would be great topics to cover in a blog post. The questions are organized by the amount of traffic they’re driving, so you should pick one near the top with high traffic potential.

You’ll notice in this example though, that several of the top keywords show declining traffic (in the “Change” column). We can avoid this situation by taking approach number two.

2. Blog topic ideas about new or trending topics

If you paid close attention to the “Keywords by Industry” tool, you may have noticed the “Newly discovered” and “Trending terms” filters. Let’s try them one at time:

The “Newly discovered” filter keeps you ahead of the game by finding blog topics before the competition does. This way you can discover popular blog topics.

Screenshot - keywords by industry Investing - Similarweb

The “Trending” filter shows the terms that have experienced a significant rise in traffic compared to the month prior. Clicking on the “Change” column header allows you to identify the topics that are growing the fastest:

Screenshot - keywords by industry Investing - Trending - Similarweb

3. Blog topic ideas that are already driving traffic to competitors

So far we’ve taken an industry-focused approach to finding popular blog topic ideas, but now we’ll switch to a competitor-focused approach.

To do this, we’ll utilize our “Top Organic Pages” tool, which shows you the top pages by organic traffic for any website. We’ll pretend we compete against Ellevest, a personal finance company.

Try it for yourself:

  • Navigate to the Competitive Analysis module.
  • Click “Top Organic Pages” in the left sidebar.
  • Enter your competitor’s website address.
  • Optional: Type “blog” into the search bar to filter on only the pages with “blog” in their URL (in this example, I’ll use “magazine” because that’s what Ellevest uses).

Screenshot - keywords by industry Investing - Top Organic - Similarweb

In Ellevest’s case, we see that ~18% of all the organic traffic coming to their site is coming from just two blog posts. Looks like we should definitely consider blogging about 401K retirement plans!

Next steps for driving traffic to your blog

By combining industry-focused and competitor-focused approaches, you can quickly discover blog topic ideas that will drive traffic, be interesting to your audience, and provide real value to them.

Ready to give your audience (and Google) killer blog content? Schedule a demo now.

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by Kyle Weeks

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Similarweb

With experience at Apple and startups, Kyle helps SEOs grow traffic at Similarweb. He’s also a culinary school grad and Certified Sommelier.

This post is subject to Similarweb legal notices and disclaimers.

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