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How to Achieve Strategic Success Through Competitive Product Analysis

How to Achieve Strategic Success Through Competitive Product Analysis

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From phone plans to streaming services, every industry is packed with competing products. So, how can you be sure you’re choosing the best one for your needs?

That’s where competitive product analysis comes in. It’s the key to understanding your competition and developing a product that truly resonates with your customers.

Think of it as a cheat sheet to success. It reveals where your competitors shine and where they stumble, giving you valuable insights to differentiate your product and meet customer demands more effectively.

The problem? Many businesses lack the resources to perform a thorough analysis.

This guide will show you how to overcome that hurdle. We’ll explore the importance of competitive product analysis, its various applications, and how to conduct it effectively for your specific products.

A competitive analysis tool like Similarweb can help businesses break down competitor strategies in detail. It provides a clear view of areas needing improvement and opportunities for innovation. Using these insights in daily business strategies can completely change how decisions are made.

Ready to master the art of competitive product analysis? Let’s dive in! 🤿

What is competitive product analysis?

Competitive product analysis involves closely examining your competitors’ products to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and market positions. This helps you find growth opportunities and spot trends in the market, allowing you to create strategies to outperform them. It’s particularly useful for product management, as it provides insights to make your product stand out.

To do a good competitive product analysis, you need to:

  • Look at customer experiences
  • Compare features
  • Study competitor marketing and pricing strategies

This detailed review helps you improve your products to meet market demands better.

For example, understanding why your competitor’s product is popular can highlight which features their customers like so you can add these features to your product. On the other hand, spotting competitor weaknesses allows you to fill these gaps in your own offerings, building greater customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Additionally, competitive product analysis helps set performance and quality goals and is crucial for product development and strategic marketing. Regularly conducting competitive analysis keeps your business flexible and responsive to market changes, ensuring your products remain relevant.

However, this is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process that should be frequently updated with new data and changing market conditions.

Why is it important to know your competitors’ products?

Benefits of researching competitors products

1. Identify growth opportunities

Using information from a competitive product analysis report can help pinpoint market gaps that your product can fill. This analysis may reveal unique features you can introduce to distinguish your product and draw more customers. With this proactive approach, you’ll be able to innovate and meet unaddressed customer needs, keeping your product ahead of the competition.

2. Assess your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses

Evaluating your competitor’s products helps you see what they do well and where they fall short. This insight allows you to create a better product.

For example, if your competitors have easy-to-use interfaces but poor customer service, you can stand out by providing excellent customer support along with an equally strong product.

Aside from that, analyzing their marketing tactics can reveal their shortcomings, giving you the chance to create more effective and appealing campaigns.

You can use the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) model to map out what you should be focusing on.

SWOT matrix

3. Establish benchmarks of what ‘good looks like’

Competitive product analysis also sets benchmarks for performance and quality. Knowing how your product compares with others helps you set realistic goals and track the improvements over time. This involves looking at features, pricing, and customer reviews, providing a comprehensive framework for product evaluation and improvement.

Competitive benchmarking is essential for setting internal performance standards and aligning the key performance indicators (KPIs) with industry norms. For example, if the industry average for customer satisfaction is 90%, your goal is to meet or, better yet, exceed that target. The higher, the better.

And lastly, regularly reviewing these benchmarks can help you a lot in keeping your product competitive and meeting industry expectations.

4. Learn from your competitors’ mistakes and failures

When you analyze the competitive landscape, you learn from their mistakes. This saves you time and resources while avoiding problems that could harm your brand. Negative feedback on specific features from a competitor offers you a chance to avoid similar errors and focus on improving areas where your product can excel. When done properly, this could result in higher-quality offerings.

Gaining broader industry observations can also provide you with valuable insights. Try checking out public forums and review sites. These often contain honest opinions that may reveal detailed flaws of your competitors. Addressing these issues in your product can strengthen your edge and increase customer trust and satisfaction.

5. Reveal emerging market trends

With comprehensive analysis, you’re likely to uncover emerging market trends during the process, and you can use this to make sure that your product remains relevant, competitive, and ahead of the curve.

For example, if current data shows that there’s a significant rise in demand for eco-friendly products, you can incorporate sustainable practices and materials to attract environmentally conscious customers.

Similarweb’s Demand Analysis tool reveals what people are searching for with specific keywords or groups of keywords. For example, you can analyze the search patterns for Men’s shoes across key brands, like Nike Adidas, Puma, and Skechers, this year compared to last year, and determine when the demand is highest, and for which brands.

Demand analysis tool

Similarly, using tools like Google Trends and social media analytics platforms like Sprout Social can help you monitor shifts in consumer behavior. Staying ahead of these trends will allow your team to make timely adjustments and improvements to your product’s features and marketing strategies so that your brand remains relevant.

6. Uncover and focus on product differentiators

Knowing what makes your product unique is very important. Comparing what your competitors offer can really you hone in and highlight what makes your product stand out. Whether it’s better technology, great customer service, or a smart design, these differences can convince potential customers to pick your product.

Just make sure to share your product’s unique benefits clearly throughout your marketing. For example, if your product works smoothly with other tools, highlight this in your ads. Solving customer problems makes your product seem more valuable and gives you a competitive advantage over the industry and your rivals.

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How to conduct a competitive product analysis

1. Identify your competitors and relevant products

Begin by identifying your competitors using Similarweb’s tools; for example, the Website Analysis tool helps you find competitors by clicking on Similar Sites.

Similar sites tool

You can also choose to explore a pre-built industry or create a custom industry using the Market Analysis feature to establish a robust foundation for your analysis.

2. Understand your competitors’ marketing strategy

Once your competitors’ product pages are identified, you can compare and benchmark your products by analyzing keywords that are driving organic traffic using Similarweb’s Search Keywords filter.

Website keywords overview

You can also check if your competitors are spending money on these pages through the Paid Landing Pages feature. With this, you can assess the URL spend you should be aiming for based on traffic share and the number of keywords and ads driving that share.

Paid landing pages explorer

Consider monitoring their search ads using the Search Ads tool to determine which keywords and strategies they are investing in. This will help you in adjusting your own campaigns for better performance and higher visibility.

Websites search ads tool

If you also need to conduct SEO analysis for your products, you can use the keyword Gap Analysis tool to surface ideas for optimizing your products for search engines.

Keyword gap

Understanding keyword seasonality and examining competitors’ backlinks through the Backlink Analytics feature further bolsters your benchmarking efforts.

3. Compare website segments

Utilize Similarweb’s Segment Analysis to compare specific product categories.

For example, you can analyze the ‘white sneakers’ category for top brands like Nike and Adidas on the domain. Alternatively, you can create an apples-to-apples comparison of the ‘white sneakers’ segments on the actual retail D2C sites, such as vs.

Segment analysis tool

This will help you adjust your product strategy and make informed decisions, such as choosing whether to launch new products or enter new categories. Segment Analysis allows you to dissect data, where you can get granular data and actionable insights that are essential for strategic planning.

4. Create a comparison of the differentiators between your products

Highlight the unique features that your product offers and rivals lack. This differentiation is important for market visibility and customer attraction. Emphasizing your innovative elements, such as exclusive technology or unique customer benefits, can make your product more interesting and appealing to discerning customers.

Make sure to communicate these differentiators through various channels, including your:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Newsletter
  • Marketing materials
  • Social media pages

Pro tip: Testimonials and case studies (such as these customer success stories) that highlight your unique features can serve as powerful tools and trust builders to showcase their practical applications and benefits.

5. Compare your marketing channels

Evaluate your marketing approach against your competitors by analyzing their content marketing, the SEO strategy they are following, social media presence across channels, and various advertising efforts such as Google Search Ads and marketing campaigns they are promoting on social media.

This comparison will help refine your strategies towards what’s working. For instance, you can boost your campaign’s engagement by signing up for and learning from your competitors’ content marketing strategies by following their blogs, newsletters, and social media pages.

It’s important to track their marketing campaigns using tools like Similarweb’s Marketing Overview tool. With this tool, you can compare metrics across key traffic sources, like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversions. These insights can help you make adjustments to improve the effectiveness of your marketing mix for your key traffic sources and highlight where to focus your time and resources.

Marketing channels overview

6. Create your own product strategy based on your insights

Now that you’ve compared your offering with your competitors, it’s time to leverage the insights gained from effective competitive analysis to craft a robust product strategy. Focus on addressing the gaps identified in your analysis while capitalizing on your product’s strengths to gain a competitive edge. Implementing these insights allows you to refine your product to meet and exceed customer expectations, driving market success.

This strategic approach not only helps in improving existing products but also guides the development of innovative features and enhancements that can set your product apart from the competition.

Steering your products to market leadership

Knowing what your competitors are doing can mean the difference between winning and losing, especially in a tough market. However, with careful competitor product analysis, you can find notable gaps in the market that your product can fill. You can also see where others have made mistakes and learn from them. This analysis helps you find what makes your product unique and valuable to customers to give you that all-important edge.

The path to being a market leader is ongoing. It’s about constantly learning, adapting, and improving. So, use the power of competitive product analysis to guide your decisions, grow your business, and secure your position at the top. With the right insights and strategy, market leadership isn’t just a goal – it’s where you’re surely headed.

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What types of data should I collect during a competitive product analysis?

You should gather information on product features, pricing, customer feedback, market positioning, marketing strategies, and performance metrics. This comprehensive data set will allow you to have a detailed understanding of your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, so you can make product improvements.

How often should I conduct competitive product analysis?

It would be best to conduct competitive product analysis regularly, ideally every quarter. This frequency keeps you updated on market changes and your competitors’ new strategies or product launches. This helps you to stay agile and responsive to certain shifts.

What role does pricing play in competitive product analysis?

Pricing actually plays a vital role as it directly affects customer perceptions and market positioning. When you analyze your competitors’ pricing models, you can find critical gaps and opportunities for setting attractive prices. In fact, this could guide you to create creative strategies like introducing pricing tiers or special offers to potential customers or buyers.

How can I keep track of my competitors’ product updates and changes?

Use market research tools like Google Alerts, social media monitoring, and product tracking software like Similarweb to stay informed about your competitors’ latest updates and releases. Regularly reviewing their websites, landing pages, and campaigns and signing up for their newsletters will give you direct insights into their latest activities.


by Daniel Schneider

Director, Content Marketing

Daniel brings over 10 years of content marketing experience, specializing in both B2B and B2C audiences. He thrives at managing delivery of content projects, consistently developing concepts that drive impact.

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