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Top Pre-Prime Day Searches: “Portable Air Conditioners” and “Electric Bike”

Top Pre-Prime Day Searches: “Portable Air Conditioners” and “Electric Bike”

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As Prime Day gets underway, portable air conditioners and electric bikes are likely to sell well because that’s what people have been searching for. We analyzed Similarweb Shopper Intelligence data to parse out the most searched-for items during the pre-event sales leading up to Prime Day, which began in earnest today and concludes on Wednesday.

These statistics are based on keyword searches within, not from a search engine such as Google or Bing.

Key takeaways

  • During the period July 1 to July 8, “portable air conditioners” and “electric bike” made multiple appearances as the number 1 or number 2 search shoppers were clicking on, and “crocs” also made multiple appearances near the top of the list. The popularity of air conditioners may have something to do with hot weather hitting many parts of the US, in addition to the prevalence of sales on those products.
  • Generic searches on phrases like “prime day today 2023” were also prominent.

Below, we’ve included breakdowns of search hits for a few specific categories. First, here’s a list of what was most popular across all categories.

Date #1 Keyword #2 Keyword #3 Keyword #4 Keyword #5 Keyword
Jul 1 stuff your kindle day free electric bike portable air conditioners mini pc crocs
Jul 2 electric bike portable air conditioners hey dude crocs stuff your kindle day free
Jul 4 reusable water balloons portable air conditioners crocs neck fan crocs mens
Jul 5 portable air conditioners crocs neck fan blink outdoor camera ring doorbell
Jul 6 portable air conditioners crocs neck fan prime day deals today 2023 air conditioner
Jul 7 prime day deals today 2023 mini pc crocs ring doorbell shower curtain
Jul 8 prime day deals today 2023 crocs womens crocs portable air conditioners magnesium glycinate

Keywords with the most clicks

portable air conditioner

Across all categories, keywords producing the most clicks were “portable air conditioners” and “prime day deals today 2023.” Three other terms that claimed the #1 slot on different days were “stuff your kindle day free,” “electric bike,” and “reusable water balloons.”


Most searched: “mini pc,” followed by “laptop computer,” “laptop,” and “apple watch.”

Electronics > Television & Video

Tied for first place “roku” and “tv,” followed by “smart tv,” “tv stand,” and “prime day deals 2023.”

Video Games

“Nintendo switch” and “nintendo switch games” were the most clicked on search terms 5 days out of seven, followed by “PS5.”

Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry

Crocs were the most searched-for Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry item in 5 out of the seven days. The other searches generating lots of clicks for products in this category were “hey dude” and “prime day deals 2023.”

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by David F. Carr

David covers social media, digital advertising, and generative AI. With a background in web trends since the 1990s, he’s also the author of "Social Collaboration for Dummies".

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