Spamdrain - email spam filter app analytics for February 16

Spamdrain - email spam filter

Spamdrain - email spam filter

  • Spamdrain AB
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Communication
Tired of all the junk email you get? Try the most powerful spam filter for Android. Spamdrain protects your email from spam and junk email 24/7. Our anti-spam service is built on an artificial intelligence platform that we have tweaked and improved with the help of our amazing customers since 2004. So far, we have blocked 1.5 billion spam emails! Sign up for a 14-day free trial (no credit card needed). If you love our spam filter (as we know you will), subscribe for less than the price of a cup of coffee. STOP JUNK EMAIL If you ever asked yourself how you can stop junk email or spam from clogging up your inbox, Spamdrain is for you. Spamdrain keeps your inbox clean on all devices and operating systems by blocking unwanted or malicious email – including automated emails or phishing attempts that use malware or spyware to attempt to access your sensitive banking or credit card information. CLEAN ON ALL DEVICES Connect your email and see the magic – everywhere. Mac or PC? POP3 or IMAP? Outlook, Spark or Yahoo Mail? Spamdrain blocks junk email and spam across operating systems, devices and email providers. Simply connect and we do the rest. EVERY NEW EMAIL CHECKED The second you get a new email, we check it. If it is spam or junk, a virus or a phishing attempt, we remove it at once so you don’t have to see it. YOUR DATA REMAINS PRIVATE You pay us a small fee so we never need to sell your data to anyone (unlike many others). We instead focus entirely on providing you with the best spam filtering in the world. AI + A COMMUNITY OF ANTISPAMMERS Let’s work together to block phishers and spammers. We have fine-tuned our tech since 2004 and together with our amazing customers have created a spam filter service that efficiently blocks junk email. When you mark an email as spam, we will make sure everyone else is protected as well. EMAIL SPAM FILTER STATISTICS AND CONTROL When your account is up and running, you will be able to see statistics for your account and report spam that we may have missed. You can view blocked messages directly with this app. If you find an email you want to read on the blocked list, simply tap on it and ‘allow’. When you do this, you help train the anti-spam filter and ensure that Spamdrain will send this email straight to your inbox the next time. Use Spamdrain to get an inbox with only the emails you want to read. REAL CONTROL OF YOUR INBOX AND TOTAL SPAM PROTECTION Get Spamdrain and retake control of your inbox. Sign up today and enjoy a clean inbox with nothing but the email you really want. Get rid of junk email and spam that is bothering and frustrating you! For more information please visit
Spamdrain - email spam filter

Spamdrain - email spam filter Usage Rank

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Spamdrain - email spam filter VS.

February 16, 2025