Powermind: Hypnosis Meditation app analytics for February 14

Powermind: Hypnosis Meditation

Powermind: Hypnosis Meditation

  • Powermind
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Health & Fitness
Do you want to sleep better and get rid of depression anxiety? Do you experience stress in family life, at work or at university that disturbs your focus, productivity, mental health and mindfulness? Powermind offers an effective solution: relaxing meditation and pre-recorded soundtracks for increasing levels of productivity and mindfulness, background music for relaxing meditation, focus and calming down before sleep, guided hypnosis for mental health and focus stimulation. Calming sounds and melodies for sleep In the Powermind audio library you can find a wide range of focus, mindfulness and productivity soundtracks for relaxing meditation or productivity motivation on various topics from calming sounds to productivity and focus audio files. With Powermind, you'll find everything from relaxing meditation music and self-hypnosis, hypnosis for better sleep or focus, to stress relief, leadership training meditation, productivity mediation, job interview meditation or dates, or just relaxing calming sounds to stimulate your mental health. With Powermind you can listen to productivity soundtracks, relaxing meditation, mindfulness melodies for calming down and sleep sounds. Private orders In addition to relaxing meditation and calming, focus sounds, pre-recorded soundtracks for mindfulness, and sleep - Powermind also offers a booking system where you can find and book a private therapist, lifestyle coach or hypnotist for classes. Hypnosis suspends your consciousness through relaxing meditation, making it easier for it to work and focus directly with your subconscious mind. The goal is to stay calm, avoid anxiety, and promote personal development and mental health, while sleep hypnosis and calming sounds help you relax and sleep better. The hypnotic soundtrack and Powermind sleep sounds aim to guide you towards positive changes in your thoughts and behaviour. Any hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Download the Powermind app today and make changes that will improve your sleep and lead a healthier life!
Powermind: Hypnosis Meditation

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The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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February 14, 2025