UTA On Demand app analytics for December 14

UTA On Demand

UTA On Demand

  • Via Transportation Inc.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Travel & Local
UTA On Demand makes it easier than ever to move around select zones in the greater Salt Lake City area — with a few taps, book a ride using the app and we’ll pair you with others headed your way. No detours, no delays. What we’re about: SHARED. Our algorithm matches people headed in the same direction. This means you’re getting the convenience and comfort of a private ride with the efficiency of a shared one. SUSTAINABLE. Sharing rides reduces the number of vehicles on the roads, bringing down congestion and CO2 emissions. With a couple of taps, you get to do your part to make your community a little bit greener and cleaner, every time you ride. AFFORDABLE An adult one-way fare is only $2.50, so grab your friends and take a ride! How does UTA On Demand work? UTA On Demand is an on-demand travel concept that takes multiple passengers heading in the same direction and books them into a shared vehicle. Using the UTA On Demand app, input your address and we’ll match you with a vehicle going your way. We’ll pick you up on a nearby corner and drop you off within a short walk of your chosen destination. Loving your experience so far? Throw us a 5-star rating. You’ll have our eternal gratitude.
UTA On Demand

UTA On Demand Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#9,156
Travel & Local in
United States#206

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UTA On Demand Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for UTA On Demand

Usage Rank


UTA On Demand Ranking by Country

Counties in which UTA On Demand has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by UTA On Demand users

Top categories
Top apps within the category
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Microsoft Bing Search
VPN Proton: Fast & Secure VPN
Govee Home
Feit Electric
Glance for Motorola
Twitch: Live Streaming
Max: Stream HBO, TV, & Movies
Transit • Subway & Bus Times
Uber - Request a ride
Transit Tracker+ - Utah
Curb - Request & Pay for Taxis
Brave Private Web Browser, VPN
Google Messages
Samsung Internet Browser
Sync.ME: Caller ID & Contacts

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December 14, 2024