Let's Create! Pottery 2 app analytics for February 14

Let's Create! Pottery 2

Let's Create! Pottery 2

  • Infinite Dreams
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Games > Casual
Experience calmness, tranquility, and enhance your emotional and mental well-being by making art a part of your day-to-day life. "Let's Create! Pottery 2" is a unique game that will reduce stress while also stimulate your imagination. Become a real artist and create "one of a kind" pottery objects. Enjoy the zen-like, relaxing experience of the pottery workshop and discover the creative genius in you. The game features: * easy to master modeling of the pottery * painting with over 100 beautiful patterns * cutting edge AAA shading technology that makes the pottery look incredibly real * real-world materials (gold, silver, etc.) * handful ornaments (gems, stones, decorations) with unique technology to combine ornaments with pottery * online community (post, like and comment on work of art) * personal gallery - a unique collection of your pottery * online challenges * quests Experience refreshing moments of calm, balance, and peace any time you want. Get relief from Stress and Anxiety! Links to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy: https://www.idreams.pl/privacy/Pottery2_PrivacyPolicy.html Terms of Use: https://www.idreams.pl/privacy/Pottery2_TermsOfService.html
Let's Create! Pottery 2

Let's Create! Pottery 2 Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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