Markor: Edit Markdown offline app analytics for February 14

Markor: Edit Markdown offline

Markor: Edit Markdown offline

  • Gregor Santner
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Productivity
📝 Create notes and manage your to-do list using simple markup formats 🌲 Work completely offline - whenever, wherever 👌 Compatible with any other plaintext software on any platform -- edit with notepad or vim, filter with grep, convert to PDF or create a zip archive 🖍 Syntax Highlighting and format related actions -- quick insert pictures and to-do 👀 Convert, preview, and share documents as HTML and PDF 📚 Notebook: Store all documents on a common filesystem folder 📓 QuickNote: Fast accessible for keeping notes ☑️ To-Do: Write down your to-do 🔖 LinkBox: Share pages to read later into bookmark list 🖍 Markup formats: Markdown and todo.txt 📋 Copy to clipboard: Copy any text, including text shared into Markor 💡 Notebook is the root folder of documents and can be changed to any location on filesystem. LinkBox, QuickNote and ToDo are textfiles 🎨 Highly customizeable, dark theme available 💾 Auto-Save with options for undo/redo 👌 No ads or unnecessary permissions 🌎 Language selection -- use other language than on the system 💡 Unlike other office suites or to-do apps, Markor has one streamlined text editor with no other editing UI. Markor shows how powerful and expressive simple text can be. View, edit, manipulate and convert plaintext! 🔃 Markor works with sync apps, but they have to do syncing respectively. Sync clients known to work in combination include BitTorrent Sync, Dropbox, FolderSync, OwnCloud, NextCloud, Seafile, Syncthing, Syncopoli 💡 Freely text edit, Dropbox paper, Liquid text Support the project: Report ideas and issues | Join discussion on Matrix | Translate | More information about contributions | Android Contribution Guide
Markor: Edit Markdown offline

Markor: Edit Markdown offline Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#7,524
Productivity in
United States#539

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Markor: Edit Markdown offline Ranking Stats Over Time

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Markor: Edit Markdown offline Ranking by Country

Counties in which Markor: Edit Markdown offline has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Markor: Edit Markdown offline users

Top categories
Top apps within the category
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Firefox Fast & Private Browser
Signal Private Messenger
Beeper: Universal Chat
Brave Private Web Browser, VPN
Regain: Study Timer for Focus
Speechify Text to Speech Audio
File Manager
Talking Alarm Clock Beyond
Phone by Google
EarFun Audio
Material Files
Ftp Server
MacroFactor - Macro Tracker
FitNotes - Gym Workout Log
Calorie Counter by Cronometer
8x3: bodyweight fitness
ActivityTracker Pedometer

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Markor: Edit Markdown offline VS.

February 14, 2025