Budget Controller app analytics for February 14

Budget Controller

Budget Controller

  • Indivisual Designs
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Finance
You want a clean overview over your finances but don´t want that to be stored online on a web server? With Budget Controller you manage your finances as efficiently and user friendly as it can be. No email-adress or personal data needed, just set a password and get started! Budget Controller won’t even show you annoying ads and doesn’t have a hidden subscription model. Buy once and use as long as you like without any resctrictions. Your data won´t even be stored online, so your data will be save and sound on your own local device! Your dashboard shows all your current revenues. You can filter those by the current day, month or year, or you can display all your managed revenues. On your dashboard you will also be able to create new income, expenses or bank transfers, with associated accounts and categories. You can create as many bank accounts as you want and decide which should be included in the dashboard. The account screen gives you a quick peak on your net worth with a neat graph showing the development of your overall balance. The same holds true for each of your accounts individually. You can also create as many categories as you need and set revenue goals for each of them. As well as on your dashboard your revenues inside the category-screen can be filtered by the current day, month or year, or not at all, showing all your revenues according to the categories. Want to revisit or edit older revenues? No problem! The integrated text search has your back (as long as you remember what you named the wanted revenue 😉 ). The import-/export-function allows you to savely store your data locally, by creating a fully encrypted non human readable, password secured (of course you get to select your own password) file. This file can of course be sent to another device in case you have a new one and don´t want to reenter your data manually. Currently by Budget Controller supported languages: English, German, French (more to come, let me know which one to implement next) The used currency will be set according to the location you selected in your smartphone. Please let me know what you would like to be added in the next version, I will do my best to consider the most wanted features (note, that I will only be able to add so many features per version, since I am doing this alongside my day jobs). Coming features: - create your own notifications - set specific dates for revenues (until finished the time of the creation will be set automaticly) - set colors for your categories
Budget Controller

Budget Controller Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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United States--
Finance in
United States--

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Budget Controller Ranking Stats Over Time

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Budget Controller Ranking by Country

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Users Interests & Top Categories

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

Apps with a high probability of being used by the same users, from the same store.

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Budget Controller VS.

February 14, 2025