TeacherStudio - Teacher App app analytics for February 14

TeacherStudio - Teacher App

TeacherStudio - Teacher App

  • Danny Wernicke
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Productivity
TeacherStudio: lesson planning, calendar, seating plan and class register in one Teacher App for Android and Windows. * TeacherStudio aspires to improve your daily organisation radically. * All data in one integrated app: TeacherStudio unifies your grade, student and lesson planning and management. You find all course and lesson data in a single integrated place. * Lesson schedule overview: the integrated calendar enables you to easily manage school related appointments and lessons. These appointments can be created, moved and cancelled hassle free and with a few clicks * You can easily lookup who forgot his her her material or homeworks. If there is something that you want to remember, add comments for students, lessons and grades. * Calculate grades on the fly: TeacherStudio will calculate grades for you based on a fully customizable grading scheme. If the calculated grade doesn't properly reflect the students performance, you can override calculated grades easily. * Works for all school types: TeacherStudio comes with a variety of common german and austrian grade systems and can be used at elementary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools. * Easy reporting: whenever you need a report, be it for parent-teacher-conferences or semester finalizations, you can create printable course reports. These reports list the lesson topics, notable lessons and all grades. * TeacherStudio can be used under Android 4.3+ and Windows 10. A simple, encrypted data sync feature via OneDrive and GoogleDrive is build in and allows you to sync data between different devices - even across platform borders! TeacherStudio is available in english and german. 2 courses can be managed for free allowing teachers and teachers in training to try all features and discover TeacherStudio. A license covers an unlimited number of devices of the same platform and is bound to the user account that initiated the purchase. Example: a license purchased from the Google Play Store allows unlimited Android devices, a license purchased from the Microsoft Store is valid for an unlimited amount of Windows 10 devices like laptops, tablets and PCs.
TeacherStudio - Teacher App

TeacherStudio - Teacher App Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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TeacherStudio - Teacher App Ranking Stats Over Time

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TeacherStudio - Teacher App Ranking by Country

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

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February 14, 2025