Install .APK, APKS, .XAPK, .APKM, .AAB, .OBB, .ZIP files from storage, or SD card with single tap.and Applications that are installed on your phone, and share them with your friends like Apk Share
Get Apk is a free application to download the Apk from the Application on your Android Smartphone.
XAPK Installer And APK Installer
All contents are sorted by categories to offer a quick location. In addition, its powerful search engine guarantees the best results instantly.Application with deep Apk extractor,you can extract the apk file of an app before you uninstall it and you can easily install the apk anytime without having to download.
Phone Cleaner And Al Junk File Cleaner
No need to worry if you found junk on your phone. We have a professional cleaner to remove junk, residual files, obsolete APKs, and temporary files.
Junk Remover, you can clean your unnecessary files.Save Space with just a few taps,unnecessary cache files and clear them out.
It includes advanced Junk Cleaner, App Manager, Battery Manager, and Battery Info.
Junk cleaner to clear junk files.
1. App manager to view and manage installed apps.
2. App manager to oversee and control installed apps Free up space
3. Delete Duplicate & Space Saver
Large File Cleanup Scan your device for large files and Effortlessly remove them to free up storage space with Phone Cleaner.
Phone Cleaner helps to find and delete all unwanted files on your phone. Effortlessly remove junk,obsolete APKs. You can choose which files to delete to free up storage.
Battery status tells you about your battery health. This battery app shows you how much battery you have and how long it will last.
Apps Apk Extractor Features:
1. Make backups of your apps extracting them easily.
2. One tap APK downloading for single apps
3. Scan apk files from External Storage and SD Card
4. Show all apk files
5. Delete apk files from external storage and SD card
6. Share apk files with your friends
Smart Device and Device Info
=> Junk file cleaner
=> Storage cleaner
=> Battery info
=> App usage
=> Uninstall apps
=> Battery usage
Smart Device all provide information to help device easy uses and fast work.
APK Download - Phone Cleaner Installer and start to share your happiness with the world now!
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APK Download - Phone Cleaner is a helping tool to maintain device performance. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us through email.
This application is a gallery of games and application published in Google Play or Play Store. It only offers recommendations and descriptions with official download links. APK Download is not an alternative store to Google Play.