Hindu Panchang & Astrology -
Hindu Panchang & Astrology deliver Vedic Astrology Birth Reports, Match Making, Kundli in PDF Format, Daily Horoscope, Daily Vrat, Daily Panchang Calculations, Auspicious Time, Main Festivals of Month, Hindi Months, Shremad Bhagwad Geeta Sloks in Sanskrut & Hindi with Audio and Other Vedic Astrological Information.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology displays the monthly Hindi Panchang Calendar (Vikram) with tithi, vaar, festival, Chaturthi and Ekadashi Vrat, Panchak and English Calendar. Highlights full moon (Purnima) and no moon (Amawasya) day in each month.
Panchang for any day of the calendar including Sunrise/Sunset Time, Moonrise/Moonset Time, Zodiac of Sun /Moon, Tithi, Yog, Karan, Nakshatra, Ritu (Season), Abhijeet Muhurat, Rahu Kal etc.
Panchang Section also provide the information about Planetory Position and Hora chart for day and night.
Horoscope (Janam Kundli) with feature Avakahada Chart and Complete Planetary Details, 18 different Kundli Charts such as Birth chart, Navamansha Chart, Dreshkan, Shashtyansh etc., Vimshottari Dasha, Gemstone Suggestions, Gemstone Wearing Process and Rituals Explained, Rudraksha Suggestion Report, Complete House Analysis, Manglik Dosh Report, Kalsarp Dosh Report, Puja Report, Pitra Dosh Report, Lal Kitab Remedeis, Numerology Chart and Report, Daily Prediction of Nakshatra and Ascendant Report.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology display Choughariya of day and night and check as per your place and date.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology display the Rashifal (Horoscope) of all Zodiac Sign (Rashi) for Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly basis.
Just select your Moon sign from mesh (मेष), vrishabha (वृषभ), mithun (मिथुन), karka (कर्क), simha (सिंह), kanya (कन्या), tula (तुला), vrishchik (वृश्चिक), dhanu (धनु), makar (मकर), kumbh (कुंभ), meen (मीन) and read your daily horoscope i.e. aaj ka rashifal in Hindi.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology displays the list of Daily Vrat, Kal ka Vrat and Healthcare Tips of the Day as well as monthly list of Top Teej Festival (Pramukh Teej Tyohar).
Hindu Panchang & Astrology displays the monthly list of Auspicious Time (Shubh Muhurat) for various occasion including Marriage, House Access, Business etc.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology displays the yearly list of Govt. Holidays.
Hindu Panchang & Astrology displays Shreemad Bhagwadgeeta (श्रीमद भगवद्गीता) in both Hindi and Sanskrut.
• Hindu Calendar 2025
• Panchang Calendar 2025
• Hindi Panchang Calendar 2025
• Hindu Panchang & Astrology
• Daily Panchang including Tithi, Abhijeet Muhurat, Nakshatra, Sunrise, Sunset, Moon/Sun sign etc.
• Daily Planetory Position, Hora and Choghadiya for Day and Night.
• Vedic Astrology
• Astrology
• Astrology Report
• Daily Vrat
• Tip of the day
• Kundli - Horoscope including Birth Chart, Gems & Rudraksha Suggestions, House Prediction and Ascendent Report, Numerology Chart and Report
• Pramukh Teej Tyohar
• Shubh Muhurat
• Govt. Holidays
• Rashifal (Horoscope)
• Daily Rashifal in Hindi
• Daily Horoscope
• Yearly Horoscope
• Shreemad Bhagwadgeeta (श्रीमद भगवद्गीता)
• Shree Sunderkaand (श्री सुन्दरकाण्ड)
• Arti and Bhajan
• Dharm Aadhyatm (धर्म आध्यात्म)
• Mantra Jaap
• Pauranik Jankariyan
इस कैलेंडर में दी गयी समस्त जानकारियाँ सम्बंधित विशेषज्ञों द्वारा दी गयी हे फिर भी भूल संभव है अतएव आपको कोई नुकसान न हो इसलिए सावधानीवश आप अपने विशेषज्ञों द्वारा सलाह लेकर ही कोई निर्णय ले. किसी भूल के लिए एप बनाने वाले जिम्मेदार नहीं रहेंगे।
All the information given in this calendar has been given by the experts concerned, yet mistakes are possible, so you should not suffer any loss, so be careful and take a decision only after consulting your experts. The creator of the app will not be responsible for any mistake.