With Western Union you have all our online services available in one place. Download our app now and enjoy all the advantages.
By choosing Western Union Chile, you will be able to send money abroad fast as the process is easy to follow. Our app is simple and lets you send money to family and friends abroad 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without leaving home
Western Union is a traditional company in the remittance business to send money abroad, with more than 170 years of history and 150 years in the money transfer business. Currently, we operate in more than 200 countries and territories. Get to know all that you can do with our app:
Our app lets you send money fast and choose your preferred sending method, you can do it through bank transfer without leaving home or you can pay in cash in an agent location.
With Western Union Chile there are not frontiers regarding international money transfers. Trough the app you can send money to Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Haiti, United Stated, Italy, Spain and much more.
With the app you can check the best send money option. You can do a simulation with the exchange fees and transfer fees* After that you will be able to see the final value your receiver will get abroad.
If you want to know everything about your international transfer, you can track all the transfer process until it reaches your receiver abroad. After making your payment, Western Union will send you the Money Transfer Identification Number (MTCN). You only need to place the number and you will be able to know your transfer status anytime.
You also have the option to choose the method in which your receiver would like to receive the international transfer, it can be directly on their international bank account (when this option is available in the destination country) or for cash pick up at an agent location.
Now that you know the principal benefits of the Western Union Chile app, download it and star sending money today.
*Western Union also makes money from currency exchange. When choosing a money transmitter, carefully compare both transfer fees and exchange rates. Fees, foreign exchange rates and taxes may vary by brand, channel, and location based on a number of factors. Fees and rates subject to change without notice.
Any transfer money transaction made inside a country is being made by a local company authorized to do these activities.
Thanks for choosing the services of Western Union!
We are always looking to offer you the best in our app, so you can send money easy, confidently, and quickly.
Keep your app up to date and enjoy.
When you send money with Western Union, you get great rates for senders and no fees for recipients. Send a money transfer home to your recipient’s bank or mobile money provider or in cash.
Western Union has offices around the world and is headquartered in Denver, 7001 E. Belleview, Denver, CO 80237.
Do you have questions about our services? Contact one of our nearby Western Union agent location. Use our agent location finder to find one nearby or call our service centre.
Additional third-party charges may apply.