Weather & Widget - Weawow app analytics for February 14

Weather & Widget - Weawow

Weather & Widget - Weawow

  • Weawow
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Weather
Weawow is a free (and ad-free) weather app enhanced by beautiful weather-related photos taken by photographers around the world. The photos reflect the current weather at your location, showing you whether it’s fair, cloudy, rainy, snowy, so you can decide whether you’ll need your umbrella or your sunglasses when you go out. When you open the Weawow app, you’re likely to encounter unexpected "Wow" photos, rather than a boring, text-based forecast. And that’s not all: if you take "Wow" photos yourself, you can post your "Wow" photos from our Website. Then, we can integrate them into the app, where they’ll be seen by weather watchers all over the world (the app is available in over 50 languages). The app’s layout is customizable, allowing you to select what to display like rain, wind gust, pressure, UV index, etc. The Weawow is sustained by user donations. If you like the Weawow and want to support the Weawow project, please donate to us. Of course, this is not mandatory, so please feel free to use the app. WEATHER DATA - Changeable weather providers: NWS (NOAA), DWD, Meteo France, AEMET, MET Norway, Dark Sky, AerisWeather, Weatherbit, World Weather Online, Open Weather map, (AccuWeather, Foreca). - Free without advertisement: No annoying advertisements are displayed at all. - Detailed weather: Temperature, Feels-like temperature, Rain, Humidity, Dew point, Clouds, Pressure, Wind, Wind gust, UV index, visibility, Snow depth. Temp., Rain, Wind, Wind gust, Pressure, Dew point, Humidity, Cloud cover, UV index, Visibility, Snowfall, Feels like, Solar radiation. - Supported languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, and 50 more languages. - Sun and Moon: Sunrise time, sunset time, twilight, moon phases, full moon day, new moon day, age of the moon. - Air Quality (CAMS, ECMWF), Severe Weather Alerts, Pollen (only AccuWeather and USA). SIMPLE INTERFACE - Bookmark: Manage your favorite places with bookmarks. You can change them by swiping left / right. - Simple interface: You can get the necessary information by simply scrolling down the screen. WEATHER MAP, RADAR - Weather Providers: NOAA, RainViewer, MET Norway, MSC. - Globe (14 days forecast): You can check the wind animation and various weather layers with the 3D earth. - Google Maps (Radar & 1 day forecast): You can check the real rainfall radar with the Google Maps. CUSTOMIZABLE LAYOUT - As you like: You can freely change the layout to display daily weather, hourly weather, radar, etc. - Sort order: You can change the priority of weather type like Temperature, Rain, Wind, Wind gust, Pressure, UV index. - Weather Icon: You can change it from various weather icons. - Choose your favorite theme: Dark theme and white theme are available. CUSTOMIZABLE WIDGETS - As you like: You can always check the weather you care about, such as the hourly UV index on your home screen. - Widget themes: Simple, Clock, Hourly Graph, Daily Graph, Currently, Today, Hourly, Daily. NOTIFICATIONS - Push notification: Notifies the weather forecast for that day at the specified time. - On-going notification: weather information up to 8 hours ahead, weekly weather, current weather. MARKETPLACE - You can post and sell your photos from Weawow's browser service. - The posted photos are automatically displayed after being matched with the weather in the application as well.
Weather & Widget - Weawow

Weather & Widget - Weawow Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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United States#949
Weather in
United States#18

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February 14, 2025