Schedule Deluxe app analytics for February 14

Schedule Deluxe

Schedule Deluxe

  • Tobias Schürg
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Stundenplan Deluxe – it’s the ultimate tool for school, college, university and everybody else who has repeating schedules and wants some benefits a normal calendar does not have. This app is for organized students who want to have full control of their school-routine, students who want to have an overview over their courses and grades or parents who just want to have their kids timetable with them. In addition, it is also possible to comfortably administer homework, holiday dates, exams and grades. ℹ At the first sight this app might seem a bit complicated, but once you understand the principles, you won't want to miss it. To put the matter in a nutshell, I'll give you some of the top reasons for downloading Schedule Deluxe: ✨ Main functionality: The timetable itself You can create multiple schedules with as many lessons as you like. The colors of the subjects can be chosen freely. ✨ In addition to the (classical) schedule week view there's also a view, which shows all events of a single date. ✨ Take high-resolution screenshots of your schedule to share or print. ✨ Exams and grades Beside just adding exams and their dates it is also possible to group exams by topic or subject, add grades and automatically calculate the average. ✨ Optionally, examination dates may be copied to your normal calendar, if you like. ✨ Homework assignments and simple notes with priority and due date. ✨ Holiday manager with online holiday database Holidays can be created manually or be downloaded from our online holiday database. ✨ Automatic muting 🔊 The silent mode can be enabled so that your phone is automatically muted during lessons. ℹ sadly this does not work on all phones as some manufacturers kill apps in background. For more information see ✨ Desktop widgets so that you always know what's up next. ✨ Many configurations possibilities ✨ And. Much. More … I hope you enjoy Schedule Deluxe! --- For further details and questions: To help with the translation: For feedback and improvements:
Schedule Deluxe

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February 14, 2025