Treeapp: Plant Trees Every Day app analytics for February 14

Treeapp: Plant Trees Every Day

Treeapp: Plant Trees Every Day

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# Over 4 million trees planted around the world Treeapp enables anyone to plant trees for free and make an impact everyday. Our community has already planted over 4 million trees in 13 countries! Taking climate action has never been easier. Make an impact for free, and help save the planet by planting trees where they are needed the most. WATCH ADS & PLANT TREES FOR FREE Plant every day, for free! Select a planting project from our global network and watch an advert, the revenue generated by your ad, along with the ads seen by the 100,000+ other Treeapp users, will go towards the funding of trees on that site. TREE PLANTING STREAKS We understand that maintaining engagement and motivation is vital for creating lasting positive change. Streaks will reward users who watch an ad, purchase a tree, or receive one as a gift for 7 days in a row, by topping-up their account by supporting the planting of an additional tree! CALCULATE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT You can calculate your own personal carbon footprint in a few minutes! Get a better understanding of your impact and where you are emitting most of your personal carbon emissions. Plant trees, reduce your carbon footprint and grow your own forest! PLANT MONTHLY TREES You can decide to plant a certain amount of monthly trees! We will automatically assign these trees to the most needed locations around the world, unless you prefer allocating them to your preferred planting locations. GIFT TREES Looking out for eco gifts for birthdays, anniversaries or special occasions? Celebrate your love for nature by gifting trees! You can add a custom message and choose where you’d like to plant these trees. RIGHT TREE, RIGHT PLACE We've partnered with international tree planting partners to plant where it’s needed most, rehabilitating the flora and fauna of these forests and hiring local communities to plant these trees. We have strict guidelines to pick our reforestation partners, ensuring that the right trees are planted in the right location, at the right time. Join the movement to make an impact & green our planet! Take climate action today!
Treeapp: Plant Trees Every Day

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February 14, 2025