Buienradar - weer app analytics for February 14

Buienradar - weer

Buienradar - weer

  • RTL Nederland B.V.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Weather
Trying to avoid walking straight into a rainstorm when you go out? Check our rain radar and rain graph before you leave so you never have to get drenched! De Buienradar app starts with the 3 hour or the 24 hour rain radar forecast. The rain radar image will show you whether it is going to rain in the next upcoming hours or even the next day. Below the radar is the rain graph. In this graph you can see exactly when it is going to rain and how much rainfall is predicted (in millimeters). If you prefer an even more detailed image of your city or town you can press the magnifying glass icon to zoom in. The Buienradar app is available for your Android phone, and tablet. Using the handy widget, which includes the rain graph, you can check whether rain is expected without even having to open the app! Moreover, the Buienradar Wear OS app is back! It can be used to see the rain radar, rain graph and the forecast for coming hour. In next months, more features will be added. Keep in mind that the Buienradar Watch App is only available in Google Play Store since it only supports wearables running Android Wear OS. Besides the Buienradar you can also find other radars and maps: - Drizzle - Sun - NL Satellite images - Storm - Pollen (hay fever) - Sun (UV) - Mosquitos - BBQ - Temperature - Feeling temperature - Wind - Fog - Snow - EU Buienradar (rain radar) - EU Satellite images You can find personalised weather info in the table “Coming hours” (Next 8 hours weather prediction) for your favourite location (even abroad!) like hour-to-hour predictions for: temperature, feeling temperature, the number of millimeters of rain per hour, the chance of rain and wind force (in Beaufort). Besides thunderstorm, snow, sun, wind and temperature maps we also offer wind chill, ground temperature, sun intensity, air pressure, gusts, visibility and humidity data, together with the exact times of sunrise and sunset for your location. We also offer seasonal radar maps. In the summer, for example, you can use our pollen and mosquito radars in order to receive a timely notification when it is wise to hang up your mosquito net. In the winter you can use our snowradar, which informs you about winter precipitation, but we also offer a map especially for ground temperature which warns you about night frost. In the “Forecast” tab (14 day forecast) you will find the weather forecast (in a graph) for the next 14 days. You can also see a detailed list view when you click on the tab “Lijst”. This list offers an hourly forecast for the next 7 days and a daily average for the second week. In the “Alerts” tab you can create your own rain alert (free push notification) customised to your daily time schedule and favourite locations so you will never be unprepared for rain or a storm. If you don't want to see ads, we also offer the Buienradar Premium plan for €4,99. You can find this easily in “Instellingen” (“Settings”) and then press “Neem Buienradar Premium” (Get Buienradar Premium). We are continuously improving the Buienradar app. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve or if you have any questions, you can always reach out to us by using the feedback form in the app or by sending us an e-mail via info@buienradar.nl. Thanks! © 2006 - 2025 RTL Nederland. All rights reserved. No text and datamining.
Buienradar - weer

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February 14, 2025