Hairs Makeup Artist Salon app analytics for February 14

Hairs Makeup Artist Salon

Hairs Makeup Artist Salon

  • rosytales
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Entertainment
Spend a lovely time with six beautiful girls in our new hair makeover game. Here you get the opportunity to test multiple hairstyles for different looks. You will pursue the given instructions for each stage of the game and you will find the challenges that come with. The first thing you need to do is to pick your favorite girl. Ammy, Jia, Shakira, Lilly, Juliet, and Marina are ready to help you perfect your techniques when it comes to styling the hair. Once your girl is picked you have to go through four steps in order to get your desired look. Begin with the hair pampering and try to complete all the required activities in there, so you will be able to move on to the next phase. Wash the hair, apply some treatments and make it feel soft again. Dry it and continue to take care of her hairstyle in the following step. Cut the damaged hair, use the special devices to obtain a straight or a curly headdress and comb the tangled strands. You might want to add some colorful highlights to her hairstyle and keep in mind that you can use your creativity for it. Fix the front hair with some hairspray and move in the back where you will apply the same procedures. Once you finish her hairstyle you must complete her look with a fancy dress. Add accessories like jewelry and sunglasses to style it up. Create a chic look with a modern headdress for each of the girls you might choose for a total makeover. Now that you know how it's done, you can do it again with the rest of the ladies. Discover many interesting hair looks and practice your new skills. You can find these wonderful features in the game: - Cool hairstyles to execute - Multiple models to discover your style - Pretty accessories to use and even nicer dresses - Learn how a hair salon works - Great skills to develop as a hairstylist - Free and easy to play - Cheerful background sounds - Discover the process of a hair makeover
Hairs Makeup Artist Salon

Hairs Makeup Artist Salon Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

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United States#1,560

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February 14, 2025