Loan Calculator Pro app analytics for February 14

Loan Calculator Pro

Loan Calculator Pro

  • RK Apps
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Finance
This is the paid version of "Loan Calculator" App. The only difference from the free version is that the Ads have been removed. This App offers the following calculators for both Android Mobile Phones & Tablets. 1) Loan Calculator (Mortgage Calculator) 2) Advanced Loan Calculator (Advanced Mortgage Calculator) 3) Compound Interest Calculator (Future Value Calculator) 4) Simple Interest Calculator LOAN CALCULATOR - FEATURES: * Reverse Loan calculations (find out one of Loan amount, Interest rate, Loan term or Monthly repayment given the other 3 values) * Make Pre-payments (Extra Repayments) and find out interest savings, loan term reduction * Input Interest rate (%) changes and find out impact on monthly repayment, loan term * Loan Offset Account saves the interest you pay. Helps to pay off loan faster * Repayment Holiday (interest only) period calculations * Track various Loan expenses such as Fees, Insurance, Tax, Maintenance charges, etc * Save loan calculations COMPOUND INTEREST CALCULATOR - FEATURES: * Calculates positive & negative amounts * Calculates simple interest and compound interest for lump sum deposit/withdraw, regular deposit/withdraw & both * Various deposit/withdraw frequencies - Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Thrice-Yearly, Half-Yearly & Yearly * Ability to increase or decrease the regular Deposit/Withdraw amount every year by a certain amount or percentage * Ability to specify a particular Term (duration) for regular Deposit/Withdraw irrespective of the Total Term * Various Compounding frequencies - Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Thrice-Yearly, Half-Yearly & Yearly * Positive(+) or negative(-) Interest Rate (%) helps in calculating Profit or Loss scenarios * Displays Maturity Amount, Total Amount Deposited & Total Interest Earned * Yearly and Monthly reports in a tabular format show how your investments are growing * You can E-mail both yearly and monthly reports * You can visualise results through intuitive Graph & Chart * Contains in-built User Guide * Handles very large numbers USER INTERFACE FEATURES: * Elegant Material Design Theme * Easy to use interface with Tabs * App works on Phones & Tablets * Basic & Advanced calculations modes * Calculates in no time * Light weight & loads quickly BENEFITS TO USERS: * App is generic and it is suitable for people of all Countries * No prior finance knowledge required * Helps you to take informed decisions about your finance * Saves you a lot of time, effort & money * Used for investments, financial planning, budgeting, accounting, studies, research & more * Suitable for individuals, financial planners, accountants, brokers, students, research analysts, etc * Heaps of features at very less price * No Ads or In-app purchases DISCLAIMER: Kindly consider this calculator as guidance only. Investors are required to make their own assessment before investing.
Loan Calculator Pro

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United States#16

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Loan Calculator Pro VS.

February 14, 2025