Resony: Breathing for anxiety app analytics for February 14

Resony: Breathing for anxiety

Resony: Breathing for anxiety

  • Resony Health
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Health & Fitness
About Resony Resony is your personal guide in unwinding anxiety and relieving stress through paced breathing and relaxation sessions. Research-backed and simple techniques of resonant breathing (coherence training), progressive muscle relaxation exercises, gratitude and self-care journal, and mindfulness sessions are made available to help you manage stress and achieve anxiety relief to build resilience. Resony uses an integrated approach and provides the best breathing techniques for anxiety, working with mind-body, to build resilience in a faster and sustainable way. Whether you are waiting for therapy, tired of medication, or want a therapy companion, Resony provides you with help in dealing with stress and panic attack symptoms, as well as instant and effective techniques to help you in relieving stress and achieving peace of mind. What can Resony do for you - Track your wellbeing using our Well-being check - Receive personalized recommendations for anxiety relief and in dealing with stress - Instant relief from stress and anxiety using a 5-minute resonant breathing exercise - Relax and focus using the power of sound therapy - Sleep better using audio-based progressive muscle relaxation - Practice having a self-care journal by writing down positive events and negative events and expressing gratefulness - Improve awareness of your emotions by writing down worries and how you react to them - Connect with nature on a deeper level using a 'Nature observation' session - Improve your listening skills and be open-minded using 'Mindful conversation' session Main features of Resony - Wellbeing Check: Answer 7 simple questions and get your Emotional wellbeing score - Resonance breathing: Reduce anxiety, manage stress, and muscle relaxation for resilience - Progressive Muscle Relaxation: For Deep relaxation and unwinding anxiety - Constructive Worry: Neutralise the impact of negative emotions, such as worry, anxiety, fear, anger, etc. by raising emotions into conscious awareness and by neutralizing them through naming them with precision. Based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) - Constructive Gratitude: Gratitude and self-care journal that helps reframe negative experiences and create an enduring positive emotional state that is a foundation for stress reduction and creating adaptive resilience for better mind-body health - Prioritised To-Do-List: This is linked to constructive worry and constructive gratitude techniques which strengthen the power to implement change and enhances a sense of control - Nature Observation: Mindfulness technique to deepen your connection with nature and enhances concentration and memory - Active listening: Mindfulness and meditation technique that strengthens positive relationships and improves communication What are the benefits of using Resony? Using the techniques for 10 minutes daily can benefit you in the following ways: Stress and Anxiety - Reduce negative stress and achieve anxiety relief - Sleep better - Boost recovery from strain and ill health Emotion Regulation - Deal more effectively with pressure, trauma, change, and crisis - Improve your regulation of emotions through paced breathing - Reduce stress, anxiety, anger, fear, and low mood Productivity - Access sustainable high-performance states of flow easily, even under pressure - Improve decision-making capacity in challenging circumstances - Improve concentration, memory, and cognitive processing under pressure - Improve social skills
Resony: Breathing for anxiety

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February 14, 2025