redRail by redBus - Fastest Confirmed IRCTC Train Booking App
💰Train Booking Offers: Use Code SUPER60 & Save Rs.60 on Train Ticket Booking
redRail Seat Guarantee
Get a confirmed ticket or a 3X refund for tickets: Ensures that either the waitlisted train ticket will get confirmed or receive a 3X refund.
redRail by redBus - IRCTC Authorized Train Ticket Booking App. All in one app for IRCTC train ticket booking. Check train running status, PNR Status, train ticket prediction, train schedule, coach position & platform details.
Book Train Tickets
redRail is an all-inclusive train app and an authorized partner of the Indian Railway Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). Our train app offers a dynamic user experience covering every aspect of train travel. Whether you're looking to book a IRCTC train ticket, check live train running status, or get an update on your PNR status, redRail is your go-to railway app for all these needs.
Brought to you by redBus, a MakeMyTrip company, redRail train app is built on a foundation of trust & reliability, confirmed by satisfied users across the country. As an authorized IRCTC partner, redRail stands as India's fastest IRCTC train ticket booking app, allowing you to check PNR status, schedule, and real-time updates about the train running status.
Ever left wondering, "Where is my train?", "What's the current status of my PNR?", or “How to find my Train?”. RedRail by redBus is equipped with the tools to answer all IRCTC Train Booking queries. Here's what you can do with our easy-to-use train ticket booking app:
IRCTC Train Ticket Booking
✔ Authorized Partner of IRCTC, providing a smooth online train ticket booking experience.
✔ One-stop for checking IRCTC seat availability and booking confirmed train tickets instantly with confirmation via SMS and WhatsApp.
✔ Complete IRCTC train information from schedule to live train running status.
✔ Secure IRCTC password recovery, increased chances of confirmed bookings with redRail's alternate train suggestions
✔ Train ticket booking is extremely easy with simple interface
Get a Full Refund on train ticket cancellation
With the Free Cancellation feature, get an instant and full refund on IRCTC Train Tickets
Check IRCTC Train Ticket Fare
- Get information about the IRCTC fare and train running status of popular trains like Rajdhani, Shatabdi, Garib Rath, Vande Bharat, Jan Shatabdi etc.
- Enjoy instant refund on UPI payments for online ticket booking cancellation through redRail train app
Live Train Running Status
You can get NTES live train status on redRail easily:
✔ Track the real-time status of your train with the help of our advanced GPS feature
✔ Verify if the train is running on schedule or delayed
✔ Know your railway platform number and train coach position with our train running status feature before boarding the train
✔ Check IRCTC live train status even when you are offline
IRCTC PNR Status & Train Enquiry
✔ Get notified about your train's PNR enquiry in real time
Train Coach Position
✔ Get the Coach position of the train at the station
✔ Enter the Train Number and Station to get all the details
✔ User-Friendly Interface & Customer Support
✔ Simple, navigable interface making IRCTC train ticket booking a breeze
✔ 24/7 customer support for resolving all train booking-related inquiries quickly
Zero Convenience Fee
✔ Avail 0 Convenience fee on your first Train Ticket booking
Your data is secure with us as redRail by redBus adheres to all IRCTC guidelines.
Misspells: red rail, red bus, redbus
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