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Pedi STAT EMS app analytics for February 15
- James Kempema
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- Medical
Pedi STAT EMS was developed specifically for prehospital providers. We’ve taken all the content from our original Pedi STAT application and carefully selected components that are unique to providers in EMS. We’ve solicited feedback from leaders in out of hospital care, including paramedics, EMTs, air medical flight crews, and medical directors. We’ve condensed the content to be applicable to those providing care outside the hospital, including first responders, firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, and Critical Care Transport providers.
Medication dosing and pediatric equipment sizes are easily and rapidly accessed, and accurately calculated based on provider input of either weight, length, age, or Broselow / Pediatape weight estimates. We are attempting to eliminate medical errors by calculating not only the correct pediatric medication dose, but also the volume to be administered for patient specific conditions. We have also included algorithms and medical calculators to assist providers in multiple areas, including managing pediatric cardiac arrest, burn size estimation and fluid resuscitation, and Glasgow Coma Scale.
Caring for pediatric patients is associated with a large number of challenges, the most important being selecting the correct equipment and medications, and then dosing the medications correctly. Our goal is to eliminate these challenges as much as possible, and allow the provider to concentrate on what is most important, the patient.
Suggestions for improvements or additions are always welcome: Pedi-STAT.com
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