Clinometer + bubble level app analytics for February 14

Clinometer + bubble level

Clinometer + bubble level

  • plaincode™
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Tools
The best and most accurate level Android. This is the first version, that has a unique two way calibration! With that you can calibrate your device even on non-level surfaces. We will support this product long term and add more features! This product does not display Ads! 2.0 additions ✔ High resolution graphics ✔ Redesigned (modern) app navigation ✔ New theme with slim frame (previous still selectable) ✔ New Unit Mode 1V:H common in engineering ✔ Rooftop Mode now labelled :12 ✔ Two optional features as in app purchases: Camera mode and Relative Angle According to wikipedia: An inclinometer or clinometer is an instrument for measuring angles of slope (or tilt), elevation or inclination of an object with respect to gravity. It is also known as a tilt meter, tilt indicator, slope alert, slope gauge, gradient meter, gradiometer, level gauge, level meter, declinometer, and pitch & roll indicator.
Clinometer + bubble level

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Clinometer + bubble level VS.

February 14, 2025