Period Tracker Deluxe app analytics for February 14

Period Tracker Deluxe

Period Tracker Deluxe

  • GP International LLC
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Health & Fitness
Period Tracker is the easiest way to track your periods! * Press a button at the start of your period every month. Period Tracker logs your dates and calculates the average of your past 3 months' menstrual cycles to predict the start date of your next period. * View your current and future period dates, ovulation and fertile days, your moods and your symptoms in a simple month-view calendar. * Decorate your phone with an icon that looks great on your home screen and that's discreet. It reads simply "P Tracker." Period Tracker is FILLED WITH FEATURES. * Take daily notes of moods, symptoms, and intimacy. * Easily view the number of days until next period or number of days late. * Know when you're fertile with flowers that show on your homescreen during your predicted ovulation and eight day "fertile window." * Track advanced fertility features such as cervical mucus and positions. * Add a widget to your home screen to show a countdown to your next period
* View your data with charts.
* Turn on pregnancy mode to count down to your baby's due date.
* Personalize your app with your choice of skins. Please email comments and suggestions to Disclaimer: Period Tracker period and fertility forecasts may not be accurate and should not be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. To forecast ovulation Period Tracker calculates 14 days before the projected start date of one's next period. Forecast accuracy depends on a number of factors including how regular one's cycle length is, when one actually ovulates during the cycle, and how many periods have been logged in the app. Anxiety, stress, diet, nutrition, exercise, environment, medications, age and other factors can also affect one's cycle from month to month. By downloading this app you agree to the End User License Agreement at .
Period Tracker Deluxe

Period Tracker Deluxe Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#41
Health & Fitness in
United States#2

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Period Tracker Deluxe Ranking Stats Over Time

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February 14, 2025