Clapper: Video, Live, Chat app analytics for February 14

Clapper: Video, Live, Chat

Clapper: Video, Live, Chat

  • Clapper Media Group Inc.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Social
Welcome to Clapper, one of the fastest-growing social media platforms focused on promoting real lives, connections and communities. You can see the latest trends and people’s real lives as they unfold, as well as people’s opinions and talents. Our mission is to use technology to empower everyone's life, so that everyone has the opportunity to show, the channel to speak, and the possibility to be seen. No troll, no shadow ban. -Be heard Build up your own following and be an opinion leader. Connect with friends and follow those whose opinions you want to hear. Our “Clapback” feature is unique in that you can simply express your opinion and easily view people’s opinions with support or opposition. - Be seen Clapper uses ‘equal opportunity’ algorithms to show ordinary, real, and diverse communities of people through the sharing of short videos and live streams, Everyone can easily record videos and be a part of the heartbeat of your community. Based on your location things that are local in your area will be aggregated for you as well. - Be valued Clapper launches live streaming to further increase the timely communication and interaction between creators and users, and add more new ways for creators with a moderate audience to obtain substantial income. With monetization, Clapper now offers a practical path for content creators to sustain themselves on an ad-free short video platform. *What can you expect?* a) Post Video: Short video is the foundation of Clapper where users can post videos for up to 3 minutes and you also have the option to use our additional features like add text, video trimming, music, and other effects. Interact, sing, dance, talk about your day, send messages to friends and followers. b) Radio: Imagine an auditorium but with only vocals. This is the audio-only feature that allows you to create a room of up to 2000 listeners and up to 20 speakers to 'talk'. c) Group: Create a community of your super fans where you can share interact 1:1 with them. Website: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Email:
Clapper: Video, Live, Chat

Clapper: Video, Live, Chat Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#644
Social in
United States#30

Daily active users

Analyze usage patterns of Clapper: Video, Live, Chat users by viewing Clapper: Video, Live, Chat downloads and daily active users over time.


Analyze usage patterns of Clapper: Video, Live, Chat users by viewing Clapper: Video, Live, Chat downloads and daily active users over time.

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Clapper: Video, Live, Chat Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for Clapper: Video, Live, Chat

Usage Rank
Store Rank


Clapper: Video, Live, Chat Ranking by Country

Counties in which Clapper: Video, Live, Chat has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Clapper: Video, Live, Chat users

Top categories
Top apps within the category
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TikTok: Videos, Music & LIVE
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Life360: Live Location Sharing
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Scoopz: Real Life, Real Video
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Twitch: Live Streaming
PlayWell: Play to Earn

Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

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Clapper: Video, Live, Chat VS.

February 14, 2025