mourjan vs Job Search Usage & Stats

mourjan app is a free classifieds application that connects Sellers with Buyers directly without any hassles. with mourjan you can browse and search in thousands of ad listings in various categories like jobs, real estate, used cars, services, furniture, pets, and pretty much anything that comes to mind. mourjan app is a time saver and a must have app if you are looking for a job or an apartment to rent/buy or looking to change your car or maybe just looking to find a good deal on used furniture or smart phones. On the other hand, If you are not looking but want to sell a house, a car or hire someone with specific skills or maybe sell your Labrador puppy as soon as possible then mourjan app is the right choice for you. You can post a free ad and start receiving calls within minutes. *mourjan app power features: - Add searches to your watchlist to receive notifications of new ad listings so you don't miss out a good deal. - Add ad listings to your favorite list so you can access these ads anytime and anywhere with or without internet connectivity. - Add personal notes to each ad which should help you remember acquired details that were not mentioned within the ad text. - Display of latest call logs/history between you and the ad publisher (If found) below every ad to help you recognize which publishers you have previously contacted regardless of the announcement. **mourjan app features: - browse and post free ads in all Arab countries like Lebanon, Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Syria, Oman, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen, and Libya. - directly call/email advertisers with a single touch. Finally, mourjan app is developed by the team who is devoted to providing world class solutions and services for the Arabic user. Therefore, please let us know your opinion / feedback and help us improve our services to your own benefit.
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Looking for a job in the Middle East? With's Job Search app, staying on top of your job search has never been easier. Our goal at is to provide you with instant access to thousands of job vacancies posted by the region's top employers, on the go, and in the simplest, most effective way possible. Why • It's free and easy. • Thousands of fresh jobs every day. • For all career levels. • Thousands of hiring employers. • Jobs throughout the Middle East, including Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and more. Build your profile Building your Bayt Profile is the first step for finding a job in the Middle East. Create a standout and professional CV in minutes and start applying to thousands of jobs. • Register/log in using your email, Apple, Facebook, or Google account. • Update and optimize your profile with just a few clicks. • Use your CV to apply for jobs in seconds. • Receive continuous recommendations for improving your profile. • Let employers find you when they search the CV database without advertising jobs. Find and apply for jobs Thousands of fresh jobs are available on every single day. From entry-level to senior executive, all levels of recruitment take place every single day. Search and instantly apply for thousands of jobs on the go and for free. • Search thousands of jobs by title and location. • Apply to any job in just a few seconds. • Filter job searches by industry, career level, freshness, and company type. • Save jobs you’re interested in to apply later. • Share jobs easily with your friends and colleagues. • Track the status of your job application. Get job alerts Never miss out on a job opportunity again! Get notified when there's a new job on that may suit your skills. • Receive personalized job recommendations based on your profile and preferences. • Get recommendations for the latest jobs that are relevant to your experiences. Tap into powerful insights Over 70% of employers search the CV database without even advertising their jobs. Get access to detailed information that can help you tailor your CV, and applications based on the needs of employers who search for you. • Discover how many employers/recruiters have viewed your CV and what keywords were used to find it. • Get access to detailed insight on your job application; such as: how relevant your CV is to the job requirements; how well your CV ranks amongst other applicants; how many employers have viewed your application. What are you waiting for? Download the Job Search app today and find your perfect job! Terms of Use: Privacy Statement:
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mourjan VS. Job Search

March 22, 2025