Logos Bible Study App app analytics for February 14

Logos Bible Study App

Logos Bible Study App

  • Faithlife
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Books & Reference
Access powerful Bible study tools and a theological library for biblical insights on the go. With the Logos mobile app, you can read the Bible and a commentary side by side, save books for studying offline, and use exclusive Logos Bible study tools. Make Time for Reading, Even When You’re Booked Organize and schedule your reading in seconds. Create a list of books in your library, then start a reading plan when you’re ready to dig in. Access All Your Bible Study Tools in One Location Tap a word or passage to highlight, leave a note, open Bible Word Study, and more, all with the enhanced text selection menu. Find What You’re Looking for, Instantly Access powerful search features from any book or resource. Quickly navigate to any verse in the Bible or search your library to go deeper. Never Lose Your Audience—or Your Place Easily read your sermon outline or manuscript, get a clear view of all your slides, and see a built-in timer to help you stay on track with Preaching Mode. Read your favorite Bible translations: we have a variety of options, including the NIV, ESV, NASB, NKJV, and many more. TOP FEATURES: LIBRARY - Instantly access up to ninety-five free resources to kick off your Bible study. Or sync your current Logos library to access all your books on the go. PANEL LINKING - Get three independent channels for linking your resources so they track along with you as you read. SOCIAL SHARING - Share Bible verse images on Facebook, Twitter, Evernote, and email. REFERENCE SCANNER - Take a picture of a church bulletin or handout using Reference Scanner, and the app will open your preferred Bible version to all the verse references. PASSAGE LIST - Use Reference Scanner to snap a picture of a document and look up many verses at once, then save those verses as a Passage List. BIBLE WORD STUDY - Learn more about any word in the Bible by examining dictionaries, lexicons, and cross-references. PASSAGE GUIDE - Get a detailed, verse-specific report that includes Bible commentaries, cross-references, literary typing, and media resources. TEXT COMPARISON - Compare any verse across multiple translations with visual and percentage indicators of difference. TABBED BROWSING - Open as many resources or Bibles as you want and view them side by side. SPLIT SCREEN - Delve into any secondary resource side by side with your preferred Bible translation. SEARCH - Find every mention of a word or phrase in every resource in your library. READING PLANS - Get into daily reading with several Bible reading plans to choose from.
Logos Bible Study App

Logos Bible Study App Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#1,968
Books & Reference in
United States#57

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Logos Bible Study App Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for Logos Bible Study App

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Store Rank


Logos Bible Study App Ranking by Country

Counties in which Logos Bible Study App has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Logos Bible Study App users

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Google Calendar
Google Docs
Google Sheets
Google Drive
Google Keep - Notes and Lists
YouVersion Bible App + Audio
Dwell: Audio Bible
Amazon Kindle
Audible: Audio Entertainment
Blue Letter Bible
Google Messages
Signal Private Messenger
Brave Private Web Browser, VPN
Phone by Google

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