HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB app analytics for February 14

HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB

HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB

  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Entertainment
Discover, Stream, and Enjoy Your Favorite Anime Anytime, Anywhere Welcome to HiAnime, the premier app for anime enthusiasts! Whether you're a seasoned otaku or new to the world of anime, HAnime provides an unparalleled streaming experience. With an extensive library of popular series, classic titles, and hidden gems, our app ensures that you never miss out on the latest episodes or all-time favorites. Key Features: 1. Vast Anime Library: Explore a diverse range of anime genres, from action and adventure to romance and fantasy. HAnime's comprehensive collection includes popular titles like Naruto, One Piece, Attack on Titan, and My Hero Academia, as well as lesser-known series waiting to be discovered. 2. High-Quality Streaming: Enjoy seamless, high-definition streaming without interruptions. HiAnime optimizes video quality based on your internet connection, providing a smooth viewing experience on any device. 3. Personalized Recommendations: Discover new anime based on your viewing history and preferences. Our advanced recommendation engine suggests shows and movies tailored to your tastes, ensuring you'll always find something new and exciting to watch. 4. User-Friendly Interface: Navigate the app with ease thanks to its intuitive design. HAnime's clean and straightforward interface makes finding and managing your favorite shows effortless. 5. Subtitles and Dubbing: Choose between subbed and dubbed versions of your favorite anime. HAnime offers multiple language options, catering to a global audience. 6. Regular Updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest episodes and new releases. HAnimei's committed to providing fresh content and timely updates to keep your anime experience exciting and current. 7. Community and Social Features: Connect with other anime fans, share reviews, and discuss episodes. HAnime's community features allow you to engage with like-minded viewers and expand your anime horizons. Why HAnime? HAnime is more than just a streaming app; it's a gateway to the world of anime. With its extensive library, high-quality streaming, and user-centric features, HAnime stands out as the ultimate choice for anime fans. Join millions of users who have made HAnime their go-to app for all things anime. Download HiAnime Today and Embark on Your Anime Journey!
HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB

HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#3,399
Entertainment in
United States#218

Daily active users

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Analyze usage patterns of HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB users by viewing HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB downloads and daily active users over time.

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HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB

Usage Rank
Store Rank


HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB Ranking by Country

Counties in which HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB users

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HAnime - Anime TV SUB & DUB VS.

February 14, 2025