KB증권 'M-able' (마블) - 대표MTS vs Mubeat for kpop Lovers Usage & Stats

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Mubeat is a platform for K-POP fans all over the world. *Watch [Stream HD Videos of Your Artist] -See all of your bias’ videos, from their debut years up to now! Binge-watch music shows, variety shows, MVs, and Mubeat original content clips in HD! *Vote [Help Your Artist Win] -Fans all over the world can now participate in voting for not only the 1st place winner of Korean music show programs like Show! Music Core, but also for various contents in Mubeat Voting and a THE SHOW TV spot ad! *Support [Celebrate Your Artist's Anniversary] -With Mubeat Fandom Ads, you can celebrate your artist's anniversary with other fans through subway ads, rewarded video fandom ads, and more! *Talk [Interact with Global K-POP Fans] -Use Mubeat’s Community to interact with global fans, share your artist's info and how you stan them! [Main Functions] 📺 Your Very Own Hideout [Artist Channel] Watch HD videos of your favorite artists like BTS, BLACKPINK, TWICE, Stray Kids, TXT, (G)I-DLE, SEVENTEEN, ATEEZ, ITZY, NCT, and GOT7, all in one place! [Artist Channel] Follow artists and receive notifications on their latest ✨HD KPOP✨ videos from various Korean TV channels! Mubeat has everything, from Focused Cams, official MVs, music, and variety shows from various Korean TV channels to Mubeat's original content videos~ On top of that, they’re organized according to albums/members! Enjoy all of this for free! 💥 Show Off the Power of Fandoms! [Voting] ✔️Show! Music Core Global Voting- Fans all over the world, pre-vote in Show! Music Core Global Voting and help your artist win! ✔️Mubeat Voting- Participate in super fun, Mubeat-exclusive content votes, and win tons of benefits! ✔️Mubeat I.Q Voting- Got an artist you want to talk to? Get to know your artist better by voting for the artist you want to have a QnA with! 🎉Take Charge of Your Artist's Anniversary! [Mubeat Fandom Ads] Celebrate your artists’ birthdays, debut anniversaries, and comebacks! Use subway ads, rewarded video fandom ads, and more to gift your artist an unforgettable day. 🗣 Shortcut to Becoming a True Stan [Artist Community] Express and share your love for your bias with like-minded global K-POP fans. As the saying goes, the more you share, the more you grow! 📈 For the Real Fans [Mubeat Charts] Stream your favorite artist's videos right now and help them top the charts. The video views are reflected on the Real time Mubeat Chart and the Gaon Social Chart 2.0. *Other Convenient Functions Subtitles, Landscape Mode, Mini Player, Video Download, Full HD Videos, Display Board Notices, Wall, KPOP Quiz, and more. [Mubeat+ Benefits] • Unlimited Ad-Free K-POP Video Streaming • Unlimited Video Download • TV Connection Via Chromecast [Notice About Necessary Permissions] - Necessary Permissions • Device Information (Necessary) : to identify devices and check the network conditions. - Optional Permissions • Photos/Videos/Files (Optional) : to access the photo gallery regarding photos for profiles and walls. • Push Notifications (Optional) : to notify users regarding app services and marketing promotions. • Microphone (Optional) : used for voice recording while recording a video. • Camera (Optional) : used while recording a video. • Contacts (Optional) : used to check information about the device. Mubeat asks for permission to access functions that are necessary to use the app. The app asks for permission for optional functions when the user accesses the optional functions. The app can be used without allowing the optional permissions. [Customer Service] Contact support@mubeat.tv regarding any issues or inquiries.
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KB증권 'M-able' (마블) - 대표MTS vs. Mubeat for kpop Lovers ranking comparison

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KB증권 'M-able' (마블) - 대표MTS VS.
Mubeat for kpop Lovers

March 24, 2025