Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت app analytics for February 14

Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت

Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت

  • Fordeal
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Shopping
As a large online shopping platform, we offer product search/browse, review, product purchases, online payment/cash on delivery, order inquiry, logistics tracking, photos/evaluation, and etc. services. We are dedicated to creating a simple, happy, and high-quality lifestyle for you. Features: Save you more -Free shipping for new customer's order over $50 & free returns for all orders within 15 days -Buy one get one free and get many items only for 9.99SAR -Get up to 70% off every day with global brand Mega Deals, including Apple, Huawei, and other electronic brands; Armani, Coach, and other women fashion brands, as well as sports brands like Nike and Skechers. -Limited coupon code to get extra discount -Get free and stylish exclusive gifts, including headphones, bags, makeups, watches... Securely ordering and paying -The ordering process is risk-free -Secure payment via Paypal, credit or debit card, Mada and cash on delivery -7/24 customer service. New User Welcome Gift: 1、Pick one Free Gift 2、First order Coupon 3、New User Exclusive Discount Contact us: Facebook: Instagram: Tiktok: fordeal_official Terms And Conditions:
Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت

Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States--
Shopping in
United States--

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Analyze usage patterns of Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت users by viewing Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت downloads and daily active users over time.


Analyze usage patterns of Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت users by viewing Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت downloads and daily active users over time.

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Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت Ranking Stats Over Time

Similarweb's Usage Rank & Google Play Store Rank for Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت

Usage Rank


Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت Ranking by Country

Counties in which Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت users

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Top Competitors & Alternative Apps

Apps with a high probability of being used by the same users, from the same store.

Chicpoint - Fashion shopping

Chicpoint - Fashion shopping

Chic World (HK) Technology

Centrepoint - سنتربوينت

Centrepoint - سنتربوينت

Landmark Retail Limited - GCC

Nice One | نايس ون

Nice One | نايس ون

Nice one

Styli- Online Fashion Shopping

Styli- Online Fashion Shopping


Fordeal - فورديل سوق الانترنت VS.

February 14, 2025