TimerWOD - Interval Timer for CrossFit and More
Introducing TimerWOD, the ultimate workout companion designed to keep your training sessions on track without the complexity of tracking health data. Whether you're a dedicated CrossFit enthusiast, a gym regular, or someone looking to enhance their fitness routine, TimerWOD is the perfect tool for managing your workout times effectively.
AI-Powered Squat Challenges – No Health Data Required Experience the latest feature in our TimerWOD app – the AI-Based Daily Squat Routine. This innovative module uses advanced AI algorithms to offer personalized squat challenges tailored to improve your strength and endurance. However, it's important to note that these routines are designed to challenge you without tracking any personal health data like heart rate or weight.
New! Daily Mobility Routine
Boost your mobility with our new Daily Mobility Routine, featuring exercise videos that help improve flexibility and strength. This feature is designed to be integrated seamlessly into your daily schedule, ensuring that you can enhance your mobility alongside your regular workout regimen.
Versatile and User-Friendly Our sleek and intuitive interface offers a wide range of timer modes including AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible), EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute), For Time, and Tabata. Designed for everyone from amateur fitness enthusiasts to professional athletes, TimerWOD allows you to set customized intervals tailored to your workout needs.
Beyond CrossFit While TimerWOD is an excellent tool for CrossFit workouts, its versatility makes it suitable for any physical activity, including running, functional training, and more. It's also great for non-fitness activities that require timing such as meditation and yoga sessions, helping you focus on your practice without the distraction of watching the clock.
For Every Fitness Level Whether you are just starting out or you are a seasoned athlete, TimerWOD is easy to use and adaptable to your fitness level. You don’t need to worry about tracking your physical metrics; just set your time and let TimerWOD guide your session.
Keep your workouts on track with TimerWOD, the essential timer app that runs in the background using the FOREGROUND_SERVICE permission. This allows you to switch apps or lock your screen without interrupting your session, as audible alerts keep you informed. With TimerWOD, you can focus fully on your fitness goals with minimal disruption.
Download TimerWOD Today! Transform your workouts with TimerWOD, the smart workout timer that simplifies your fitness routine while keeping you on pace. It's time to train smarter, not harder. Get TimerWOD now and take control of your workout time with efficiency and ease.