우리의식탁 - 요리를 스타일하다 vs iCook: Meal Planner & Recipes Usage & Stats

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900+ healthy and delicious recipes, a meal planner, and a grocery list in one app. The weekly meal planner will help you plan your meals. Quick and easy healthy recipes to cook food in about 25 minutes. Start planning your menu and eat healthier food daily! HEALTHY MEANS DELICIOUS Healthy food can be delicious. Healthy recipes do not necessarily require cutting off seasonings, spices, or herbs. iCook recipes will make you enjoy the food to the last piece. Reward your body with delicious, nutritious, and healthy food. VEGETARIAN, VEGAN, NO-SUGAR, GLUTEN-FREE iCook has a range of filters to meet your personal food preferences and dietary needs. You can select vegetarian, vegan recipes, gluten-free, and no-sugar recipes. Filter the recipes if you have peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, gluten, fish, or seafood allergies. DAILY TIPS FOR PARENTS Created by nutritionists, daily tips help parents and their kids build healthy relationships with food. MEAL PLANNER Planning meals for your family ahead saves lots of your time and takes the most stressful question off your shoulders: What’s for dinner? Various recipes for each category are available: breakfasts, soups and stews, snacks, hot meals, salads, drinks, desserts, and dips. You can use a weekly meal planner (no decision-making required!) or find the best meal recipe for you and your family. SHOPPING LIST Your shopping/grocery list will be automatically created once a menu for a day or a week is planned. With a single tap, all ingredients will be directly added to the shopping list. If you need to add more items to your grocery list, it’s there as well. STORE INTEGRATION (UK, USA, Australia) Add your favorite recipe or entire menu to your shopping cart and use the latest store integration technology to shop online without leaving the app. The service is available when using the English version of the application in the following countries: the UK, Australia, and the USA. MINIMAL FOOD WASTE A weekly meal planner and shopping list help you cut down on food waste as much as possible, as well as reduce your expenses. What’s also essential is wise consumption saves the Earth's natural resources.
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Food & Drink

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우리의식탁 - 요리를 스타일하다 VS.
iCook: Meal Planner & Recipes

March 24, 2025