Alarm clock PRO app analytics for February 14

Alarm clock PRO

Alarm clock PRO

  • Caynax
  • Google Play Store
  • Paid
  • Productivity
Caynax Alarm Clock is more than just alarm clock. It is perfect solution for time management, todo list, tasks list or tasks reminder. Alarm categories: Quick - make a note/alarm with two simple clicks Everyday - runs everyday Work days - runs on selected work days Cyclic - runs every x-th day, every x-th week or every x-th month (PRO only) Timer - simple timer (countdown) alarm Any - select any days from calendar Annual - birthday, anniversary (PRO only) Main features: - independent settings for each alarm like alarm length, ringtone, volume level, snooze and more - dismiss option: standard buttons, math problem or arrange/complete quotation - next alarms widget - gentle alarm - increasing ringtone mode - Android Wear notifications support Free alarm clock version contains in-app ads and has some limitations. What's more in PRO version: - no ads - annual/Birthday/Anniversary alarm - cyclic alarm repeat up to 90 days - cyclic alarm can be repeated every x-th month - sunrise and sunset alarms (with dawn and dusk support) - shake to snooze - snooze count up to 100 - full alarm profiles support Permissions: READ_PHONE_STATE - to detect incoming phone call and snooze alarm. RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to set up alarms after phone start. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, INTERNET - ads, checking for new app version, Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics, Google Drive. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE/READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - backup/restore settings, play ringtones located on external memory. WAKE_LOCK - to wake device and show alert window on time. DISABLE_KEYGUARD - disable keyguard (lock screen) when alarm starts. VIBRATE - vibrate during alarm. ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION - optionally used on Andorid 6+ devices to calculate sunrise/sunset time for current location. User has to grant application that permission. Otherwise applciaiton does not have access to GPS data
Alarm clock PRO

Alarm clock PRO Usage Rank

The usage rank is based on Similarweb's algorithm that calculates current installs and active users over a 28-day period.

All Categories in
United States#113
Productivity in
United States#22

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Alarm clock PRO Ranking Stats Over Time

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Usage Rank


Alarm clock PRO Ranking by Country

Counties in which Alarm clock PRO has the highest ranking in its main categories

Users Interests & Top Categories

Top categories and apps used by Alarm clock PRO users

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Hindu Calendar - Drik Panchang
Hindu Calendar
Amazon Kindle
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Jyotish Vishwakosh-Astrology
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FamilyWall: Family Organizer

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Alarm clock PRO VS.

February 14, 2025