We are the platform to use whenever and wherever you'd need Halachic Times (Zemanim) according to Maran Rabbeinu Ovadia Yosef zt'l, following his practices represented in the Ohr Hachaim calendar (לוח אור החיים). The astronomical science behind his calendar was studied and reproduced to fit as needed when extending beyond the Eretz Yisrael borders, while keeping the rulings the same in Eretz Yisrael.
- Simple setup: Select your location (GPS, name/zip code or advanced) & language (Hebrew or English; translated or transliterated). No internet required for further use of the app.
- Use our notifications to stay on top of the changing times! They are customizable to trigger when you want them to.
- Add a home-screen widget to see immediate details (Hebrew Date, Tachanun, Special-Day - like Omer, next Zeman) outside of the app.
- Extend the times from the phone to your wrist, with our Wear OS app. Open the app to immediately see the next Zeman without any other distractions and scroll to see the others. Beyond the app itself, we provide Watch Tiles (using Wear OS "Complication") that's an easy page away, as you open your Android smartwatch.
- Explore calendar-day relevant learning material, with our Daily Limud schedule (includes Daf Yomi, Mishna Yomi, Tehilim Yomi, etc). One quick tap will send you to Sefaria, to find commentaries, connections and other details that will enhance the learning.
- Shabbat & Chag/Yom Tov friendly: Quickly get the times for Candle Lighting and Havdala, then place the app on "Shabbat Mode" to keep the app running the whole Shabbat without any user-involvement.
- Personalize your Tefilot to the calendar-day, with our siddur. Includes the standard texts (Shacharit, Mincha, Arvit; also Mussaf & Selichot when relevant)
- Find the Tzadikim in our Hiloulot page. Pulled from all the different Jewish communities (Ashkenazi, Bukharian, Syrian, Iraqi,
All of the above is laid out in our calendar, filled with the weekly Parasha, hiloulot-listings & a siddur that changes its text depending on the day.
Each time is calculated according to our Mesora (described in-app by clicking the individual zeman), for all types of daily activities:
- Workers/Early-Risers Minyanim (Alot Hashachar/Dawn, Misheyakir - for Talit & Tefilin)
- Netz Shacharit, with a countdown for the Shaliach Tzibur and Visual Sunrise times pulled from ChaiTables.com
- Borderline Shacharit-time minyanim (Latest times for Shema - both MG"A & GR"A, Latest time for the Tefila/Berakhot Shema)
- Mincha times (Gedola for earlier, Ketana/Later for preferable)
- Early Arvit (Plag HaMincha - according to both Yalkut Yosef & Halacha Berura, Sunset, Nightfall - according to the Geonic tradition)
- Rabbenu Tam's Nightfall - applicable in stringent cases
This project is open source and the code can be seen at: https://github.com/Zemaneh-Yosef/RabbiOvadiahYosefCalendarApp
If you would like any features added, please don't hesitate to send me an email!
Concluding with appreciation to...
- My Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Yitzhak Fayazi Shlita, for giving me the idea to create an app catering to those who follow Rabbi Ovadiah & sons (Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef & Rabbi David Yosef) in the world of zmanim.
- Rabbi Shlomo Benizri & Rabbi Asher Darshan - the original developers of the Ohr Hachaim calendar, for clarifying the opinions of Maran zt"l
- Rabbi Leeor Dahan & Rabbi Meir Gavriel Elbaz (HalachaYomit), for extending the teachings beyond Eretz Yisrael & the Haskamot given
- Eliyahu Hershfeld & Maor Na'im: Technical Assistance, library developers
- Chaim Keller: Visual Sunrise Times