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Hasanati is a pedagogical curriculum for Quran & Islamic studies which is presented in an interesting and modernized tone and motivates them to perform honorable accomplishments by gathering deeds and challenging spirit between them.
تطبيق حسناتي، هو منهج تعليمي في القرآن الكريم والتربية الإسلامية، يواكب أطفال القرن الحادي والعشرين ويعرض لهم المادة بأسلوب حديث وممتع يهدف إلى غرس محبة الإسلام في قلوبهم، ويحفزهم على القيام بالأعمال الصالحة، عبر مبدأ جمع الحسنات والتنافس فيما بينهم.
يستند حسناتي إلى منهج دين الحق المدرسي، وهو من تصميم متخصصين، ليكون مادة ممنهجة تراعي صغر سن الأولاد وقدراتهم على الاستيعاب.
Hasanati relies on “Deen Al Hakk” curriculum, for schools. It was written by specialists in order to be a methodological subject that takes into account the small ages of the children and their ability to understand.
يعرض التطبيق شخصية "ياقوت" الصاحب الصالح، الذي سيواكب أطفال وأولاد المسلمين في دروسهم كافة.
تتميز المادة في حسناتي بأنها غنية، ومتنوعة، بحيث تتناول شروحاً حول أسماء الله الحسنى، العبادات، السيرة، الآداب، الأخلاق، القرآن، الحديث، أدعية، أذكار، وكل ذلك عبر مقاطع فيديو وأنشطة تفاعلية ممتعة.
Hasanati presents “Yakout” as a benevolent buddy who will walk Muslim children through the subjects. Hasanati materials are distinguished by its richness and varieties, especially that it explains the most beautiful names of Allah, Worships, biography of the prophet, decency, morals, the Qur’an, hadith, supplications, athkar and all this through videos, and interesting and interactive activities.
ولا نغفل عن دور أولياء الأمور والمربين، إذ تم تخصيص صفحة تقارير خاصة بهم تخولهم متابعة نشاط الأولاد على التطبيق، درساً بدرس.
من أبرز خصائص تطبيق حسناتي:
Not to mention the important role of parents and teachers, for, we have made a report page specially to enable them to monitor children’s activities in the app for each subject.
Here is a list of the most prominent features of Hasanati App:
مستند إلى منهج مدرسي من إعداد متخصصين.
School based curriculum prepared by specialists
مصمم تعليمياً من قبل متخصصين في التعليم الإلكتروني، مخصص للأطفال.
Designed by e-learning specialists who are for children.
مقاطع فيديو تعليمية مع ياقوت
Educational videos with Yakout
أنشطة تفاعلية ممتعة
Interesting interactive activities
مهمات واقعية
Real missions
جمع للحسنات
Gathering deeds
التنافس العالمي بين الأولاد
Worldwide challenge between children
مادة غنية
Enriched materials
تسلسل الدروس وفق مستويات
Sequencing the subjects based on levels
تقرير أولياء الأمور والمربين مع رمز الدخول الخاص بهم
A progress report and a passcode only for parents and guardians use.
تطبيق خالي من الإعلانات والموسيقى
Ads and Music free app
إن كنت تحب أن تغرس محبة الإسلام في قلوب أطفالك، إن كنت تحب أن تعلمهم الحياة بقيم الإسلام السامية والسعي المستمر للقيام بالأعمال الصالحة بأسلوب معاصر ومحبب إليهم، فحسناتي هو أداتك التربوية لذلك.
If you are eager to implant the love of Islam in your children’s hearts, and teach them the Islamic values in life and to be persistent to achieve good deeds, in a contemporary and lovable way, then Hasanati is the educational tool tailored for you
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Discover the magic of learning with Funlearn, your child's new companion for growth, character-building, and family bonding! 🌟
Embarking on a mission to promote delayed gratification and quality screen time, Funlearn presents “Kids Bedtime Stories” as its inaugural venture. Encapsulated within the pages of each story is a lesson waiting to be uncovered, making bedtime not just a moment of relaxation, but a venture into a world of wisdom. 🛌📚
Parents are the captains of this voyage, with the option to narrate tales that resonate with timeless morals. For our little readers who love to explore on their own, a self-read mode opens the door to a realm where curiosity meets knowledge. Our stories, embellished by the finesse of Artificial Intelligence, make each reading experience unique, engaging, and insightful. 🤖🎨
But that's not where the voyage ends! Funlearn is designed to be a confluence where academic and skill-building goals align with family bonding activities. As your child progresses, they unlock screen time, marrying the joy of learning with the thrill of discovery. Each achievement is a step towards a well-rounded education, nurturing not only the mind but the bond between you and your child. 👨👩👧👦🎓
Our long-term vision transcends conventional learning apps. With Funlearn, we're not just promoting education, but fostering a culture of meaningful screen time. By integrating goal-based activities with enjoyable family interactions, we aspire to transform the digital landscape for children. Each feature of Funlearn is a brushstroke in a larger picture, portraying a world where screen time is synonymous with quality, education, and family enrichment. 🌐🎉
Dive into the world of Funlearn: Kids Bedtime Stories, where every tale is a stepping stone to a lifelong love for learning, a stronger family bond, and a brighter future. Your adventure towards a balanced and enriching digital experience begins here! 🚀
Join us in making screen time a rewarding journey towards a horizon filled with knowledge, skills, and cherished family memories. Download Funlearn today, and embark on a voyage that transcends the ordinary, one bedtime story at a time. 📲🌈
The short description is concise and encapsulates the essence of goal-based screen time coupled with educational bedtime stories. The full description elaborates on the core values and unique features of Funlearn, aiming to engage potential users by painting a vivid picture of the enriching experiences that await them and their children. The use of emojis adds a touch of fun and visual engagement, which is likely to appeal to your target audience of parents and children.
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Hasanati: Quranic Muslim Kids VS.
Funlearn: Kids Bedtime stories
November 26, 2024