Learning Upgrade app analytics for February 14

Learning Upgrade

Learning Upgrade

  • Learning Upgrade LLC
  • Google Play Store
  • Free
  • Education
Learn English and math quickly and easily for success at school, college, and work. The lessons in Learning Upgrade are filled with songs, video, and games to make learning fun! Just sign up, take a placement test, and start learning today! Are you trying to learn English or overcome a learning difficulty? Do you need to take an exam like TOEFL, IELTS, or GED? Need to pass a test to get a job or enter college? You can prepare for success by working at home on your own phone, any time and anywhere! The Learning Upgrade app includes more than 1000 lessons. English Upgrade courses include lessons on phonics, decoding, vocabulary, grammar, writing, listening, and more. Math Upgrade courses include lessons on fractions, percents, statistics, word problems, geometry, algebra, and more. The GED and HiSET courses prepare students to pass the high school equivalency tests. And the TOEFL and IELTS courses prepare you to score high on key English tests. The Digital Literacy course includes lessons on content creation, messaging, data, privacy, security, and digital citizenship. Work Life Skills teaches soft skills that help you succeed at your job. Financial Literacy has lessons on personal finance, banking, small business, credit, loans, and savings. And the U.S. Citizenship course helps you prepare for the interview and test. The Learning Upgrade curriculum includes engaging songs, videos, games, and rewards that encourage all learners to achieve mastery. Each lesson provides practice problems accompanied by immediate intervention and remediation with multimedia supports. Students can repeat lessons until they master them, earning a gold certificate when they become proficient in each of the standard’s benchmarks. Learning Upgrade is used by schools and organizations around the world to help students with special needs, learning difficulties, dyslexia, reading disabilities, autism, dyscalculia, and math learning disorder. Join the over 3 million students that have enrolled in Learning Upgrade. Just install the app and click ‘Sign Up’ to begin your path to English and math success.
Learning Upgrade

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February 14, 2025