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Pain Tracker & Diary vs PainTrek Usage & Stats
You hurt. Your pain is chronic and complicated. You can’t remember everything. You want your doctors to understand, but you don’t know how to explain what you feel.
Nanolume® developed the Pain Tracker & Diary to help you record the daily textures, intensities, and locations of what you feel, so you and your care team can better understand what you are suffering with and follow how your pain responds to medications and treatments.
Pain is a complex experience. It often includes multiple pain types (layers), each with its own unique texture, intensity, location, and surface area.
By keeping a diary that keeps a record of complex information, you can show your doctors what you are feeing to help them make a better diagnosis, choose more appropriate medications and treatments, and monitor if your treatments are helping. In addition, by keeping such an detailed record, trends might emerge that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Pain is a subjective (not objective) sensation that can't be measured. Its assessment relies on each person’s ability to communicate what they feel. Nanolume® developed this digital diary to help you record and remember what you feel every day.
Create a "Diary Entry":
• Choose a Pain Type. Press "+" (top-right corner of Entries/Charts screen). Read the pain types listed on the menu or create a custom pain type. Tap the icon of the pain type you feel is most intense (you can come back to add another pain type to this entry before you tap "Done").
• Select the Intensity. Select the numeric intensity of the pain type you selected.
• Draw an Outline. Use your finger to draw an “outline” of the pain type you selected on the front and/or back sides of a generalized body map.
• Calculated Surface Areas. The app displays the % of body surface affected by each of the pain types drawn or shows the total % of body surface feeling pain.
• Zoom. Need to see a larger image of your hand or foot? Double-tap: "once" to zoom x2; "twice" to zoom x4; "a third time" to restore the image to its original size. We also offer pinch-to-zoom.
• Notes. Tap the “Notepad” in the top-left corner of each diary entry to record any details of your medications or treatment results.
• Tap "Add Pain." You can draw more than one pain type in each entry.
• Save Your Diary Entry. Tap "Done" to create a snapshot of all the pain type layers you need to draw in each entry. The app records the date/time each entry was saved.
• Open a Saved Entry. Tap on the date/time of the entry you want to review. Look at the intensity, location, and surface area of each distinct pain type you experienced (by touching the icon of the pain type you want to see) or see all the pain types at once and see how they overlap (tap the "All Layers" icon). Swipe the picture left or right to check how your other saved pain entries compare over time.
• Charts. View a summary of your data in "Charts."
• Forget to Save an Entry? Go back and recreate a "pain picture" from the past; then, use the "Calendar" icon to backdate the recreated entry.
• Calendar Backdating. Touch the "Calendar" icon to backdate any pain-picture you draw to create a record of what you remember from the past.
• Copy/Edit. Copy or edit a copy of a previous entry.
• CSV Export. Email or save a numeric file of your data; open that data in a spreadsheet.
• Interactive Summary & Animation. Play an animation of your data to see how each or all of your pain types change within the time period you choose by selecting the corresponding start/stop dates.
• PDF Export. Save or share your drawings, charts, notes.
Your data is stored on your device and not collected or stored by Nanolume® LLC. Read our End-User License Agreement and Privacy Policy at www.nanolume.com.
Copyright © 2014-2023, Nanolume® LLC. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 11,363,985 B2.
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PainTrek is an awarded 3D mobile application initially developed by the Headache & Orofacial Pain Effort (H.O.P.E.) laboratory at the University of Michigan. It allows patients, clinicians, and researchers to track, display and analyze body pain, signs and symptoms (e.g., pain area/intensity, sleep disorders, sensitivity to light, fatigue) from multiple regions, including head, face, and intraoral, in multivector-rotational 3D body with zoom capabilities. This unique PainTrek geographic capability facilitates the precise mapping and analysis of pain across the body with neuroanatomical coordinates, like a map of your health for you and your kids.
PainTrek’s most advanced 3D tools to track, identify, analyze, share and take control of your pain and related symptoms:
- 3D tracking of your migraine/pain and related symptoms across your body, with zoom capabilities
- Analyze your pain and symptoms by region or full body, especially helpful for patients with multiple pain disorders
- Interchangeable 3D bodies that represent diverse age and gender groups, for you and your family
- Longitudinal precise record and analysis of pain, symptoms, and treatment across time
- Customizable choice of migraine and pain-related symptoms, signs, and triggers that you can pick or eliminate as you need
- Pain measures that are validated by multiple clinical pain trials and brain science
- Shareable printable and 3D video reports for clinicians, family members, and researchers
- Light and dark screen modes for patients with light sensitivity (e.g., migraine photophobia)
- Weather data tracking enabled.
PainTrek team working to advance pain research, education, and treatment:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled technology to help provide in the future feedback to patients and the research community using high privacy regulations
- Used in multiple pain clinical trials and brain studies, including migraine, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, cancer pain, visceral pain, sickle cell disease, and TMD.
- Based on cutting-edge migraine/pain research supported by the University of Michigan, National Institute of Health, foundations, and leading world pharma
- Frequent communication and collaboration with multiple pain foundations
- Technology already tested by more than 15,000 pain patients in the US and beyond before the current release.
- Apple App Store
- Free
- Medical
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