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- Misophonia Trigger Tamer Vs. RXXRT
Misophonia Trigger Tamer vs RXXRT Usage & Stats
The app lets your brain experience a very positive stimulus (music or other activity) while occasionally hearing small bits of triggers. This experience may reduce your response to specific misophonia triggers. As your response slowly declines, you can slowly increase the length and volume of the trigger to maintain a tiny miso-response. This is intended to be a very pleasant experience – a Happy Time as it says in the app.
Load your favorite music from iTunes. You can load a trigger using iTunes or record and edit a trigger with the app. Your job is to relax (or dance) to the music, and allow your misophonic response to fade away.
This method has reduces the misophonic response in people with very specific triggers. For example, if you trigger to the sound of a family member chewing, but not strangers, this method may be effective. If you trigger to the chewing sounds of anyone (and anywhere), then this method is unlikely to produce improvement in the way you react to real-life trigger sounds.
Relaxing muscles before triggers has been reported to reduce the misophonic response. This app can also be used to practice the behavioral skill of relaxing (which is a behavior learned through practice).
Caution: Do not use the Trigger Tamer if it is unpleasant. Don't "be tough" and use a strong trigger. This app is for wimps. Take it easy, start with a very low volume, short trigger that creates an "eye blink" size reaction. Allow your response to change slowly. When the response decreases, you can then increase the length and volume of the trigger, always keeping your response very small and brief.
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With RXXRT we make it possible to engage in exposure therapy by making it possible for you to “Go Where You Can’t.”TM
Engage in Exposure Therapy
When a person has a phobia, anxiety or obsessive compulsive disorder, the gold standard treatment is exposure therapy. By working with a therapist and gradually exposing yourself to various stimuli, you work to overcome your fears and reduce your distress.
Science has proven that the more realistic the exposure, the better the response in therapy. The universal challenge in the exposure therapy field has been the ability to expose a patient to realistic scenarios. Generally, the best that a therapist and patient can do if they cannot engage in a real world (in-vivo) exposure such as touching and smelling a garbage can, is to look at a photo or video of the activity or simply imagine it happening. For example, if you have a fear of flying on an airplane it is not feasible to charter an airplane and spend the day flying with your therapist. And even if you could find a therapist willing to do this, the expense would be prohibitive. Then of course is the issue that you cannot just stop an airplane and get off if you are unable to tolerate it.
Go Where You Can’tTM
RXXRT makes it possible for you to engage in a wide range of exposures including virtually sitting on a real airplane flight from the comfort of your therapist’s office or even your own home during a teletherapy session. If the distress is too much, you can just stop. Or how about the full experience of walking through an airport terminal, waiting for your flight, boarding the plane, taking off, using the tiny bathroom and landing? All of that is possible with RXXRT.
And it’s not just airplanes. We continue to add new videos to the library so that you can experience driving over tall bridges, snow skiing, holding a snake, using a filthy bathroom, etc.
Connect with your Exposure Therapist
The RXXRT app allows you and your therapist to connect through the app (with your prior approval), and share any photo or video from the ever-expanding exposure library. In fact, your therapist can use our Intelligent Exposures AI to generate a new image on the spot if there is no current library image available for your specific need. During session, your therapist can see what you see so they are better able to guide you in therapy. And your therapist can add, change and even start and stop images remotely from their own computer.
How do I Find an Exposure Therapist?
If you do not have an exposure therapist and wish to work with one, simply browse the directory of exposure therapists at www.rxxrt.com.
How Can My Therapist And I Use RXXRT Together?
If your therapist does not currently have an account at www.rxxrt.com, they simply need to visit that website and register. Patients will also need to establish a free account on the website for enhanced live videoconferencing with their therapist during an exposure session. In most cases, your therapist will establish this account for you.
Do Your Homework
When you are not actively engaged in a therapy session, your therapist can populate your personal exposure library so that images are available for you to access on your own without your therapist’s intervention. When you do your homework, your progress increases and ultimately may reduce the number of sessions you need to engage in with your therapist.
Is My Data Safe?
Yes. RXXRT is HIPAA compliant. Better yet, you are never asked for any personally identifying information and none is stored in the RXXRT system. You will need an email address and password to log into the system but we encourage you to generate a unique non-identifying email address to use for this purpose. This enhances your anonymity on our already HIPAA protected site.
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