汉语字典词典 app analytics for February 14



  • 隆军 刘
  • Apple App Store
  • Paid
  • Education
汉语字典词典简体版,华人必备学习工具! + 收录 Unicode 编码集所含的 20902 个汉字。 + 收录汉语词条 6 万多笔。 + 释义详细清除,大部分有文言文例证。 + 支持汉字搜索方式,支持部首、注音、拼音检索方式。 + 按照汉字的读音(语音)、词性分级列出释义,层次分明,方便查阅。 + 每个字条字包含注音、拼音、笔画数、部外笔画、释义、五笔码等信息。 + 主条目根据发音的声调显示不同的颜色,方便区分。 + 提供「历史记录」和「收藏夹」功能。 + 可以离线使用,无需担心流量透支。 Chinese Dictionary, it is an essential learning tool to learn Chinese. + Rigorous and detailed definitions, most of them have illustration in classical Chinese. + Can search by Chinese characters, radical, Zhuyin and Pinyin. + The definition is listed based on the pronunciation of the Chinese characters and part of speech, it is well arranged and very easy to look up. + Each note includes Zhuyin, Pinyin, number of strokes, Strokes number except of radical, definition, Cangjie codes and so on. + The main Chinese characters are in different colors with different pronunciation tones, which make it is very easy to distinguish. + Include 20,902 Chinese characters which contain in Unicode. + Have "History" and "Favorites" function. + Can be used offline.

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Wang WeiQiang



强 马



妮 应



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汉语字典词典 VS.

February 14, 2025