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Pigybak vs Girl Gameday Usage & Stats
Discover and book home services active in your neighborhood, unlocking deals that help you and your neighbor. Get notified when cool projects pop up nearby and grab a deal on everything from pressure washing to roof installation. Post jobs you need done and let contractors and neighbors know so you can get the best price. Add to your wishlist of home projects and let pigybak find the best rates for you by combining with your neighbor’s wishlists and matching with a contractor for a neighborhood bid at the best possible rate.
Find contractors for all of those jobs you have been meaning to do, but have never gotten around to - from carpentry, to plumbing, to even gutter cleaning and tree removal. Connect with contractors to get bids, schedule jobs, and review ratings and past jobs. From home repair to renovation, pigybak allows neighbors to join forces for the best rates and connect with reliable contractors.
Browse contractors based on business size, being sustainable, or even based on being woman-owned, minority-owned, and even veteran-owned. Browse on whether contractors report as being licensed, bonded, or insured. pigybak makes selecting a contractor
Message and book with contractors in your neighborhood seamlessly with in-app messaging which even allows photo sharing so contractors can bid virtually. Gather bids from multiple contractors and award to the one that matches your needs.
A service planner perfect for any home project – Angi was made to help you with all home service needs. Download for free today and find top professionals near you to help with any renovation, repair, remodel and more!
pigybak Features:
- Map view of neighborhood with markers indicating what’s happening nearby
-Filter on types of services to find exactly what you need
- Get notified when a contractor is booked nearby and opt in for a bid so you and your neighbor get the best rate and you can book jobs without worrying about it
-Enable notifications only for those you are interested in and opt out at anytime
- No more ghosting - message contractors in-app
- Contractors are motivated to respond because they will already be nearby
- Provide photos in-app to save time on bids
- 2 way rating allows both the homeowner and contractor to have peace of mind
Find and hire contractors for all home service projects, including:
- Home Repair
- House Cleaning & Maid Services
- Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels
- Roofing
- Windows
- Concrete Experts
- Painting
- Electricians
- Decks
- Pressure Washing
- Plumbing professional
- Lawn care & maintenance
- Siding
- Fences
Find and schedule your next home improvement project with pigybak. Hire professionals ready to repair, renovate, and just spruce up almost anything. Download now and get your next home project done quickly and easily. Find more information at www.pigybak.com
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The future of sports is female and at Girl Gameday, we'll never ask you to name 5 players!
Girl Gameday allows female sports fans to find and connect with others locally and around the country (and Canada) to talk sports, go to games, or participate in sports activities together.
Join the sports sisterhood and meet lifelong friends!
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December 16, 2024